Last night I was terribly tired before i went to sleep.i did some MILD. I remember have 2 dreams last night but I DONT REMEMBER WHAT THEY WERE AABOUT. i dont know if i had a lucid dream or a regular dream last night . If I was in a deep sleep would i have no dream recall in the morning?
Sometimes when I’m very tired I have quite good dream recall But it really goes either way with me… So I’m not entirely sure
You answered your own question by remembering even a little of two dreams. No it doesn’t.
Yup…how deep is your sleep changes things very little.More important factors are the times when u wake up(during or right after REM), and the habit of remembering dreams.
But even if all requirements are met you can still have times with very weak recall or no recall at all.Such a dry spells happen to everone here,just let them pass
good luck:)