ok i’ve been using the summer to get some serious lucid dreaming training in. and this week i had 4 lucid dreams 4 nights in a row. my streak ended when i had to go to work (i have 3 graveyard shifts a week) i sleep a lil before my shit and sleep a lil afterward, but i couldn’t remember any of the dreams i had last night (or morning-afternoon rather)
Yes, irregular sleep schedule can affect your dream recall and your ability to become lucid. Myself have experienced it last week. For the entire week, I didn’t remember my dreams except one night (I only had 4 hours of sleep a night). Once I got my sleep schedule back in its regular schedule, my dream recall improves a lot. I’m starting to have LDs again.
Have fun with your graveyard shift job!
Lieve dromen (sweet dreams!)
Onei, what method/tehcnique do you use to get so many LDs (like four of them four nights in a row!)?
tride, remember how in your thread about having difficulty LDing how i suggested that you try not trying until you learn how to try w/o trying too hard
that streak of mine was when i was in a groove of trying without trying too hard. i had the mentality of “man i finally get to sleep the whole night through, hey i might even have a lucid dream” and then i fantasized about flying (my favorite dream activity) until i fell asleep if i remember correctly (i posted this topic a month ago )
but don’t think that that lil streak of mine was in anyway indicative of my normal results. i’m usually lucky to have one LD a week. but don’t worry man, you’ll get it, just relax, let it happen
Yes it does, I have been getting to bed at different times, im trying to get to bed between 12-4 right…See if I can get a patern going
That’s the same thing that happened to me… I was trying to LD so hard, and since I was having no success, I thought “I’ll try later. I need a good long rest…”
…and BOOM! Out of nowhere, I get my first, fully interactive lucid dream. It only lasted roughly three minutes, but it beats my past record of five seconds… Heh.
Sometimes, I guess, and LD comes out of nowhere… I was very frustrated and was about to give the whole LD thing a rest until later, and you read what happened.
Yes, it works when you don’t try to have a lucid dream. As I have seen a lot… sometimes people are trying way too hard to have a lucid dream; thus, they didn’t succeed in having even one LD. Why? (I already said the answer, look it up for yourself ).
If you feel like you’re trying too hard. Just give it all up. Go to bed and get full rest. Then yeah you might have a LD. Remember that.
I wish you the best journey in lucid land! Lieve dromen (sweet dreams!)