does it help to...

hey. i was just wondering does it help at all using earplugs when you are going to sleep? :confused:

i found it difficoult but it should be more likely that your brain picks up the meaning of the song or score or whatever you listen to

I have never really tried it but I find i have major trouble sleeping if there is any noise. :grrr: so maybe I will go but a pair. :hmmm:

Earplugs helps me a lot, especially after a WBTB. It takes me a lot of time to fall asleep, and a noise just when I was drifting away wakes me up again. I think it is a matter of what one is used to…

I sleep like a log and can go through a earthquake without waking up, they’d probably just annoy me. :content:

lol actually speaking of Earthquakes… a minor one woke me up last year… scared the hell out of me… They rarely happen in England…