does this account cost anything?

question. If so, how do you withdraw your account without paying? :confused:

no, it does not, although I would gladly pay for an account here ( don’t get any ideas, pasquale…). Don’t worry about it, it’s free, if there are any banners around here in the future, go click on them.

This service is provided absolutely free! :cool_laugh:
Amazing! Isn’t it? To have such a nice place to converse and learn for free.

And! thrown in as an extra bonus for every registered member, you get the exclusive use of all of these cool emoticons!
:clown: :thumbs: :beer: :partying_face: :cookiemon: :cool: :wave:


Contributions are optional and can be sent via PayPal, or you can click the Amazon banner at the very bottom and make a purchase.

Pay for

If I ever meet up with Q in a dream I will be glad to hand over a cheque for a million dollars. :content:

If I had a credit card, I would be dangerous (that’s why they took 'em all off of me!).

:peek: as a matter of fact i just implemented a MOD that automatically books $1,- of your credit card every time you use an emoticon or post a message :grin:

(or was that in the dream version of LD4all? can’t keep those two apart ) :tongue:

:smile: :content: :happy: :cool_laugh: :wink: :tongue: :cool: :grin: :grrr: :cry: :sad: :neutral: :eh: :confused: :help: :shy: :peek: :bored: :eek: :wiske: :clap: :doublegrin: :read: :look:

there ye go pasquale :smile:

What? I didn’t have to sent all this money of to the netherlands? :confused: Just joking :content: (PasQuale wishes)


Say how much does Q get if I’m gonna buy a book from amazon? (specifically EWLD) 'cause I could probably get it cheaper elsewhere

it’s about 1% or 0.5% of the amount you pay amazon.

you can go get it cheaper elsewhere and donate the amount you saved by not buying on amazon :wink:

I wouldn’t have an excuse for my mom so… I’ll just give you what 6 cents by buying it? Jeez amazon is stupidly cheap.

it would be more if i have a direct link to EWLD on my site. Then i get about 3% i thought. But i still haven’t the willpower to chronically update the books section.

thank you all too too much