Does this count as a lucid dream?

I had this dream a few years ago, I remember specifically as It was most intresting. I only remember the main part of it, I have no idea how I got there but what happend is weird.

'I am running down my stairs, It’s pretty dark but I can still see slightly, It’s night time outside. I came down stairs and looked in the kitchen, My sister is there, Standing and eating cheerios (I know, Weird) , At this moment, I started to get scared, As what she was doing was rather odd, She was in the dark also. As soon as i thought this, A massive bash at the front door made me look round, And there looking through the window was this monster, yellow eyes, black meaty skin with a tattered hood on. I got really scared, and i ran into the living room. There i looked at the window to see if it had gone, But it peeped in through the window, I panicked, I looked back at the sofa, Where I saw my mother, She said to me ‘Wake up, This is just a dream’ At that moment, The front door sounded as though it was knocked down (in the other room). I was like ‘huh, A dream’ I then instantly knew what was happening, I then told my self to wake up and next moment, I was wide awake in my bed, Checked the time and it was around 4:30.

In lucid dreaming, Do you get the ability to wake your self up?

Yes, that’s a lucid dream: when you know you’re dreaming :wink:

Yes, you can. Normally, its quite easy.

Only realised now that I’ve actually had Lucid dreams in the past, Just that I wasent aware that I can control it.