one time i was dreaming that i was somewhere, and i saw someone that i don’t see very often, and i couldn’t believe that he’s really there, so i started asking him “is this a dream? am i dreaming you are here now?” and he said it wasn’t, but i didn’t believed him, so i blinked my eyes many times (i think that i tried to see if i can wake up or to make me more awak cause i was a bit tires in my dream) and finally i opend my eyes (in reallity) and i saw my dad standing near me telling one if my friend on the phone that i can’t talk right now cause i’m sleeping… and than i closed my eyes again 'cause i was tired and i couldn’t keep them open for a long time…
I dreamt that i had this way to know what’s gonna happend. i knew i was in a dream, but i couldn’t or just didn’t do anything about it.
if i tried to wake up and i did eventually, does that mean something cause i normally don’t ask other people if i’m dreaming…or stuff like that…
I’ve had dreams where I became lucid, but didn’t do anything about it, by choice. For some reason, I was exhausted and didn’t want to put effort into anything. Weird…
Obviously, if you can be tired in waking life, then you can be tired in your dreams. You can also be lazy in your dreams. People say that you can do anything in your dreams, but can you change your emotions and your initial viewpoint on things in an LD? That I don’t know…