It always takes me forever to sleep, so if I try to stay concious, I don’t know if I would sleep at all
Ive had same problem.My advice is that you try a variation of WILD.Normal one can indeed cause insomnia,my problems with seeping got worse after that.So i wouldnt recommend Wild for ppl with problem falling asleep.
Instead try to deprive yourself of sleep for a while,lets say dont sleep one night.When you feel sooooo sleepy that your eyes are falling down then try Wild.“Next scene i see will be a dream”-repeat it over and over.Pay attention to pictures under your eyelids(hypnagogics).They are hypnotic so keep your awareness up all the time.While watching them try to turn them into your dreamsigns,i.e if your dreamsign is riding a bike gently try to see you doing it using those weird images under your eyelids.
If you dont get fooled and dont "blackout"you have a fair chance of entering the dream conciously.Or for obe.
I usually count to 10 and repeat"i dont wanna fall asleep"over and over few times.Then 1-10 again.
Play accordingly-the more you sleepy the more awareness you need to apply.
Just one more thought- Wild is to be done when you really really sleepy.Its like fighting with falling asleep knowing that you will have to let go at one point. to loose it at one point.Its difficult to balance,but just remember-keep aware!!!
I too have a hard time getting to sleep - at night. Try sleeping for 5 to 7 hours, get up, then go back to sleep. This way I can get to sleep much easier while maintaining consiousness. Sometimes the insomnia carries over in the morning but generally sleeping is much easier then. Hope this helps!