Dont Follow them to their world!

<Mod: The origional poster deleted his post. The basic gist of it was, ‘Don’t follow them into their worlds, for they will capture you!’>

And, um… how do you know this? I mean - anyone this has happaned to is now captured. As such, there is no possible way for anyone to know about this… as such, I’m inclined to ignore your warning :wink:.

Especially as I don’t actually have a clue what it is you’re going on about :tongue:.

EDIT: Oh, wait - is this to do with that Castenda (or however you spell it) guy?
If so, them I’m definatly going to ignore this :wink:.

I have to admit, you’ve got me confused.
Who are ‘they’ and why are they going to capture me in a lucid dream? It’s my dream, isn’t it? :tongue:

Ah, I’m not hi level, I’m just at level 2. :tongue:

Seriously, what are you talking about? :confused:

The un-organic world… I’ve heard of this before… Is it one of the shamanic worlds one can visit by for instance descending the hidden staircases one can find in certain trees, etc…? I’ve read some stories about how demons living in this nether world can haunt you like no other demon can… they’re so powerful they can literally take you to the edge of self-destruction. I never knew what to make of these stories though…

I believe that spiritual beings of evil can only exist if you allow them to. If you entertain thoughts that these creatures are real, they will be real.

I choose not to.

Agreed. Were the ones doing the dreaming, we’re in charge…mostly.

Helaboy you are either very young and living in your fantasy world, which is ok you will probably grow out of it, or not, in which case you are either joking, or not, in which case I would advise you to see a shrink. No pun intended.

Mostly yes, but I think shamanic dreams and travels are a bit more advanced and deeper than the usual dreams people are having, and perhaps not solely confined to their own emotions, expectations, thoughts and associations… I think dream consciousness develops itself parallel to waking consciousness: if people see themselves as isolated from each other, alone in the world, their dreams too will be solely made out of the dreamer’s own mental streams. When people develop shamanic consciousness or beyond, they’ll see the unity in the world (literally), and so their dreams too will change to a radical new perspective, one where they’re not only confined to their own egocentric mental model, but also to a much broader and deeper display of unconscious currents, ultimately leading to the collectiveness of the entire world’s consciousness, with all its memories, pains, happiness and experiences.

Well if some super non-organic demon tried to take me away i would use my insane ninja skills hand kick his little mega demon ass! :ebil:

If those demons have females i want to be hunt down.Never had un-organic experience with one and that would be definately a trophy!:slight_smile:
/me starts preparing

This settles it. I’m never going to sleep again :eek:


It’s related to Castaneda’s book “The Art of Dreaming”. I’m sorry helaboy, cause I like Castaneda’s books very much and I find there are lots of interesting stuff in them, but that’s crap. I know very experienced lucid dreamers, and nothing like this ever happened. And if you go on the Sustained Reaction forum, which is about Castaneda, you’ll see that nobody complains about a friend who has been captured by so-called inorganic beings.

And you’ll never find something like this in tibetan and hindu books related to lucid dreaming and dream yogas, though I suppose they are quite gifted in it.

And even if it was not crap, according to Castaneda’s theories, it couldn’t happen to you unless you can teleport yourself IRL. What is very rare. :tongue:

Next time you try to frighten everybody, please be more explicit in your assertions.


During my research on AP and LD, i came across an article that mentioned somewhat similar to what helaboy is saying. It stated that when you AP, you are at risk from being attacked from creatures who are below our plane of existance. I still have yet to understand what that means. But the author was sujjesting that these creatures will try to inhabit our body while we AP ourselves somewhere else. But not like demons like helaboy is saying. [/color]

Jaxal that wont happen. Attack means more like “poking” in this context, its like slapping someone in the face, it might hurt a bit but it’s never fatal…

[color=green]Hi Xetrov

To be honest, i didnt give that article a second thought. If that was the case, we would be hearing about it from the people who are expert at AP or OBE. Or maybe there would be a disclaimer saying : in case you are attacked, plz dont sue us! . So i dont really think its true.[/color]

I tried to read Castaneda’s “The Art of Dreaming” and struggled through the first two or three chapters and I had to put it down. I hate not finishing books but I really couldn’t get into it and I love all kinds of different books, especially those that deal with dreaming. One of the only parts I found interesting was about the organic or inorganic beings or whatever they were but most of the book was just too blabby, for lack of a better word. For Simpsons fans, I’m imagining Bart saying “BOR-ING” like a foghorn. :content: Sorry, Basilus. :wink:

Im actually used to creatures wanting to inhabit my body.Too tempting for some:)

Uh Jack don’t you actually mean you’re a creature that wants to inhabit bodies? :razz:

Well, it’s very understandable that you can be scared by that because I have enountered that so-called unorganic worlds before… and they are NOTHING compared to when you actually are in delta trance… in that deep level, it can be a huge mistake… fatal. Unorganic world can haunt you into thinking it’s fatal or is going to mess your mind up… honestly, I have been there… and even in loop where I thought I wouldn’t get out of it at all… but yet I’m here alive and well.

Sorry to say that, but what you talked about is just a slap in your face just like Xetrov mentioned. I’m not denying what you claimed, but it’s not as fatal as you think it is. Believe me, I have been through A LOT of trances/LDs… and I can say from my experience, it’s not fatal at all. Very pain yes, but never fatal unless you actually go into delta and have a NDE… that’s other story.

Well Xetrov,if you ever happen to have some that requires to be inhabited ill have it:)Postage and handling on me:)

If you were dr.Freud patient he would definately tell you what he thinks about organic or not creatures wanting to inhabit your body.

Anyways…for me bottom line is “all is what you make it to be” and this saying is very true especially in dream area.