Don't know clearly about WILD

I really don’t understand how to be concious when sleeping but not feeling awake, please help me!

Hello, I’d like to just advise you that if you’re just starting off with lucid dreaming, then WILD isn’t a great method to begin with. This method requires a lot of practice to get it right and a good deal of patience. Often times, beginners that choose WILD as their first method struggle with it, they expect fast results but are discouraged when they’re not attained. And most would just give up lucid dreaming all together.

However, if you have the drive to keep trying then there’s no stopping you. :smile: But do remember that there are other methods to lucid dreaming.
As for your question, the key to WILD is to trick your mind into thinking you’re asleep. What you do is just go to bed like normal, make sure you’re comfortable and just let yourself fall asleep, make sure not to move, resist any urges to move unless you really have too. You let yourself fall asleep, but, you must maintain little awareness, not a lot. You could either count or just simply be somewhat alert. Most beginners are usually way too alert (can’t fall asleep) and some are not alert enough (fall asleep). You have to be on the middle ground.

Good luck

Really thanks a lot ! I may try WBTB or just DILD, sometimes I am lazy…