hi, i’m ammi, i’m fifteen, and i think i’m having lucid dreams. about two months ago i noticed that i understood that i was dreaming when i had a dream, and i’ve had more and more control over my dreams since then.
now it’s to the point where any time i sleep it’s as if i’m still awake and can control everything in the dream. i’m not sure if this is or isn’t lucid dreaming, so any feedback would be appreciated, i don’t want to be fooling myself if it isn’t .
sounds like you’re a natural LDer to me. but yeah, knowing you’re dreaming while you’re dreaming is lucid dreaming (geez how many times did i say “dreaming” in that sentence?) in what ways do you control your dreams?
well, anytime i lay down i can put myself to sleep or stay awake if i need to. I’ve always been able to do that… first off, if i don’t want to dream that night, i won’t. I’ll just close my eyes, open them, and it’s morning. if i want to dream, or don’t care if i do or not, i’ll know as soon as i fall asleep, even though it feels like part of me is still awake.
as far as controlling dreams, i’ll use one i had about three weeks ago as an example.
I was already asleep, and everything was pretty much black and still, so I started thinking of random things. I know i have to be asleep, because i can feel my eyes going through REM, and my body feels really distant and lead-like. I knew i’d have to wake up if i wanted to do mor than move a finger.
anyway, i satrt thinking of one of my story ideas, a world mostly taken over by harsh dictators except for a few clusters of islands. Immediately everything for the world materializes around me, and i nudge in ideas now and then to see what the other main characters around me will do.
occasionally, if i think a part is too dull i’ll reset the situatioon and have someone plant a bomb or something. I haven’t tried flying or going invisible, but i’m fairly sure i could if i wanted to…
The only time i dream and don’t LD is when i have precognative dreams. (wow, the word “dream” gets used a lot, huh? ) i also often get precognative visions about once or twice a week, and have as far back as i can remember.
guess i’m just a wierd one!
whoa, i’m impressed, keep it up, you should really try flying, it’s so fun