Don't realise full potential whilst lucid

When I become lucid I never seem to realise my full potential of what i can do, i forget about what i plan to di in a lucid dream if i have one. I do general stuff that i wouldn’t do in real life, just silly stuff like go round telling everyone its a dream or jumping out of windows to see what it feels like but usually only things that are physically possible in real life. I never remember to try and change my dream surroundings, or try out special powers. I also seem to randomly forget that im dreaming or although i know i’m dreaming i still worry about things. For example i wanted to go outside but it was raining so i went all round the house looking for a coat, and i tried to steal something once but i was really nervous and sneaky even though i knew it was a dream. Does anyone else have similar problems, or can suggest ways of dealing with this?

Me too, but every LD it seems to be less of a problem. When I started I would just go around and try dome stuff. But now I am doing much better now! :bounce:
Also it really helps out if when going to go to sleep you remaind your self of what you want to do.

Yeah i do sometimes remind myself of what i want to do while im going to sleep, but either i don’t have a lucid dream when i’ve done this, or i still just forget about it. I guess i just need to be persistent.

The better you get and the more frequently you have LD’s the less of an issue this problem becomes.

cool, thanks, but any ideas on how i can make lucidness last longer, i seem to either randomly forget im lucid or the lucid dream just ends, but i don’t wake up i just get a blank when im recalling the dream and i presume i must have just gone into a normal dream. I often also have false awakenings after a lucid dream and when trying to get back to sleep in my false awakening i start reminding myself to be lucid again when i start dreaming again, this is quite annoying when i realise afterwards i was dreaming anyway.

If you start to lose the dream spin or rub your hands and focus on the sensation. If you start to lose lucidity shout something like “INCREASE LUCIDITY NOW”.

Well i’ve tried dream spin and i’ve ended up with a false awakening or drifting into another dream in which i am not lucid. I haven’t tried rubbing my hands or shouting increasing lucidity, so ill try next time i have an ld, however i’ll probably forget to because i forget evrything i plan doing in a ld lol

s, while doing the spinning technique, try to visualize the place you want to arrive at. Try to visualize your destination as vividly as you can. It is also important to believe in yourself in lucid dreams. The more you believe you can do something, the better chances you have of being able to do it.

As far as false awakenings go, you should try to get into the habit of doing reality checks every time you wake up or as many times as you can. A good reality check would be to look at a clock or watch. Look at the time on it, then look away, and when you look at it again the time should be different and you might even see strange symbols on it. You could also try looking at your hands, trying to levitate lightly off your bed, etc. False awakenings can be good ways to become lucid if you take advantage of them.

Speaking of FA’s I preform an RC everytime I wake up so that I can catch any false awakenings, after a few frustrating FA’s i decided that this would be neccesary.

S, you say you forget what you want to do when you become lucid, this is very common in low level LD’s but dwindles as you become more experienced.

Yeh i’ve become lucid from a fa a couple of times, i walk out my house and it’s exactly like where i live in real life its really weird. Thnx for the help i have tried to do rcs in the mornings before but im always to tired and disorientated in the morning to do anything lol but ill try agin now.