dont wanna wake up?


                  So i have a question.   I know that spinning and rubbing your hands together can prolong a dream.  But lets say someone is shaking you to wake up but you are in a dream.  And lets say they are not shaking you to hard.  Could you technically in your dream realize someone is trying to wake you up and then rub your hands and keep yourself asleep  where as the shaking would normally wake you?

Yes I think that this may be possible. I might be wrong but one time I was having an LD and my mom stormed into my room because I had to wake up (i’m 14) and I knew that she was doing it but I tried to stay stable and in the dream for as long as possible because I don’t have many LD’s. Even though I eventually woke up after a few minutes :grrr: i beleive this is possible.

You may be able to prolong it when tiny events happen around you, but if your senses think you might be in danger it’s a reflex to wake-up. Sometimes you hear that people are afraid that prolonging techniques might be dangerous, but they definitely aren’t. If anything hurts your body, restricts your breathing, get a painfully full bladder or get very thirsty, then there’s no way you will stay asleep.

Similar to what BeRightBack said, your mind will take signals from your body to know when you need to wake up because of outside forces. We had one question a while back along these lines asking if one could get stuck in an LD because of this, but the short answer is no. You’d have to have some pretty ridiculous control to be able to override something as intense as constant shaking :content:

Hmm, I’ve had that happen to me, like someone barging into my room and stuff. It’s pretty annoying, but I have total control over my dreams and I’m actually able to treat mine like a movie in a dvd player. I can pause them, answer the person then hit the sack and go back into them. I have in very rare cases fought a bathroom urge to continue dreaming ,but that’s not healthy on the bladder, so I try to avoid doing that.