Last night I dreamt that I had borrowed a pager from one of my relatives, and while I was walking around I lost it and I was afraid that I would get in trouble for it. It was then when I told myself that it was just a dream and that all I had to do was wake up. Which I did.
This has been happening a lot recently. I was wondering if this some kind of precursor to full lucidity, or if it was at least a good sign? The problem is by the time I tell myself to wake up I’m usually already waking up and the dream is fading, so I can’t actually take control or at least I haven’t been able to yet. Help would be very welcome.
This is very common to many people, and have often helped me go lucid in the past. Often I am late to an appointment, I lost something important, I messed up etc. and that helps me remember that I’m only dreaming.
About you waking up instead of taking control of the dream, I’d say it’s a low level of lucidity. You do realise it is a dream, you just don’t remember what your real intentions were. You could try a brief version of MILD. Just try to remember that the next time you notice you are dreaming, you are to calm down instead of waking up. The next time you become lucid, think back on when you wrote this post and simply remember that your intention is not to wake up.
Also, it could be that you gain lucidity due to waking up, and not the other way around. Many people experience brief glimpses of lucidity just as they are waking up. In this particular case, waking up is pretty much inevitable.
Anyway, this is certainly a sign of progress, so keep it up.
I agree with the previous posts. Perhaps a little thing to add: work on your critical state of mind (by doing profound RCs during the day for instance). By doing this, you’re able to recognize oddities in dreams faster, and you’ll realize the true nature of the dream much better. That way you can reach higher levels of lucidity, instead of remaining half non-lucid and unaware of the dream reality.
Good luck!
Next time you do that, when you wake up don’t move or open your eyes. Instead, think about that dream and about being lucid in it. With any luck, you should fall back into the dream.
It’s worked twice for me (well, three times cos I used it twice on one dream), so it might work for you .
Last night I had my first lucid dream since I was 5!
It wasn’t much. I was only really lucid for a about a minute before I went back to the normal dream, but it’s certainly an improvment. I started trying to use MILD, but after a couple hours without falling asleep I got a little frustrated. I got up, got myself a drink for water, watched a little tv, and went back to sleep.