So, I had a double FA last week, that is i dreamt of waking up from a dream twice without really waking up.
The first one was kind of blurry in the begining: I remember sitting by the computer, chatting with som people on an IRC-client. Then, suddenly, I started to sing out loud - in the middle of the night! This was how I realized that I was dreaming. After that I just went back to the bed; checked the clock; very weird. Fell a sleep. I had barley no control over this first dream so I wouldn´t consider it an LD.
The second: I woke up, looked at the clock directly; there where no numbers at all! It was bright outside and I could hear weird sounds from the living-room (right outside my own room) - my mother was talking I think, but it sounded like it came from the TV. I realized that I was dreaming. (here comes the juicy, good stuff). The first thing I did was noticing that I had had an FA before this one, I thought; “-Fc, am I going through the same thing that the maincharacter did in Waking Life. Am I going to die?”, then I got up from bed and begun wandering around my room; confused as few. Shortly after that I was by the window, of course I had read stuff about windows and how they almost every time where abstract in dreams, but this didn´t apply to my dreams apperantly - I couldn´t stick my hand through it! Big “no-no”, I really wanted to just fly out the window! After that I have weak memories about doubting that it really was a dream and then I woke up to the “real” world.
So; has anybody else been a victim to solid windows in dreams?
By the way; is this -> <- smiley suppose to illustrate what I´m talking about here?
EDIT: That was a nasty writing-error.