Double FA and one LD - Solid windows; not abstract.

So, I had a double FA last week, that is i dreamt of waking up from a dream twice without really waking up.

The first one was kind of blurry in the begining: I remember sitting by the computer, chatting with som people on an IRC-client. Then, suddenly, I started to sing out loud - in the middle of the night! This was how I realized that I was dreaming. After that I just went back to the bed; checked the clock; very weird. Fell a sleep. I had barley no control over this first dream so I wouldn´t consider it an LD.

The second: I woke up, looked at the clock directly; there where no numbers at all! It was bright outside and I could hear weird sounds from the living-room (right outside my own room) - my mother was talking I think, but it sounded like it came from the TV. I realized that I was dreaming. (here comes the juicy, good stuff). The first thing I did was noticing that I had had an FA before this one, I thought; “-Fc, am I going through the same thing that the maincharacter did in Waking Life. Am I going to die?”, then I got up from bed and begun wandering around my room; confused as few. Shortly after that I was by the window, of course I had read stuff about windows and how they almost every time where abstract in dreams, but this didn´t apply to my dreams apperantly - I couldn´t stick my hand through it! Big “no-no”, I really wanted to just fly out the window! After that I have weak memories about doubting that it really was a dream and then I woke up to the “real” world.

So; has anybody else been a victim to solid windows in dreams?

By the way; is this -> :mirror: <- smiley suppose to illustrate what I´m talking about here? :gni:

EDIT: That was a nasty writing-error.

Yup, had it several times. :sad: Sometimes even in very vivd LDs.

Usually I just try different techniques, if I can’t go through a window or a door in a brutal manner, I try to slowly put my hand through it and then make my all body follows. It works most of the time.

But yeah I can tell it is annoying, cause you feel like losing of a lot of precious time doing something that should be easy… :cry:

I forgott to write that it was a very vivid dream, I could feel the window - how it was cold. I am also very unsure that I tried it more than once; maybe that would have helped alot?

Thanks, I´ll remember to take it easy the next time and not to be aggressive, if it does not work the first time.

Maybe that was the reason of you problem, because it felt too real you couldn’t imagine to go through it.
You could jump through it next time, that’s how I go through windows and it works fine for me.

I get that sometimes, quite recently actually, I had to actually break the window before I could pass through it … that seemed to do the trick :peek:

However, I usually just place my hand slowly through the window and imagine that I am trying to touch something on the other side of the glass, almost ignoring the glass itself … this seems to work wonders :content: … works with flying too, for me anyways :smile: … Where you know where you want to be, but to get there you have to imagine a location just a bit ahead of it … if that makes sense lol (Got taught this technique by a DC too :content: )

That works good too, I go through walls that way.

I never flyied through solid thing in dream.