downside to lucidream? problem create detail of the world

hello guys hopefully someone could give inputs. first of all its not about exploring the lucid dream world, flying, meet some people i want, do things shoot fireball, summon sword, etc. ive done that several times. but its about creating the world/story that i want. like a movie.
the problem that i got usually that its hard to create the detail of the world that i want to build. like for example you were at the mall in another place/country which youve never been in there (which means its totally different with yours/youve ever been) and then you cruising outside in a car. after a while i got problems creating the scenery. its really hard like making an animation movie (but in this case the graphic is real) which you have to think hard to create everything in detail. :confused:
second i feel that the downside to lucidream is: for example lets say like when you watch a movie things are unpredictable but when you lucid dreaming and you create it yourself theres no surprise :sad:

Hi, this might help you :

There are several ways to do what you want in a lucid dream :
-You can use pure will and just focus to make things appear (wich is what you seem to be doing)
-you can just expect something to be like you want and hope it will be so.

In a lucid dream, you can direct your focus (more or less, depends on your skill) wich is already a big task.
You can’t control everything : you didn’t choose that past this corner, there would be a tree looking exactly that way.
As Wagonner said : "no sailor controls the sea ". Your subconscious did that and nearly all the dream too.

Or you can use the way i’ve read and experienced to be the most powerful way :

Asking! just shift your attention from whatever is happening and ask in the distance.

Since your subcouscious fills nearly all the dream very well, you can just tranfer your task of creation to the dream itself.
By asking the dream like : “when i pass this door I want to be in an action movie with blahblah…”. If you meant it, you will most certainly end up in an awesome scenario with unexpected events. And you can do that about anything : morph into things, be giant, go in a cartoon, ask question about your life etc…

It is really powerful and i’m sure that even if you train really hard at creating stuff yourself, you will never get such results.

But I find it a little disappointing because I’d rather do things in my dreams like I thought it than how i asked for it.
I think that balance can be found beetween the two ways of doing things (active and passive creation)
Like setting up the scenario passivly by asking then live it actively.

PS : when you ask, be really careful about what you says. The words used are really important since your subconscious will receive you question as you said it. Say it the way you would ask someone else

Hope this helped, good luck !

You are the tip of the iceberg. we all are when we LD it is you in a world created by our most inteligent self. what you need to do is erase all expectations and enjoy as is. no different than real life if you ask me. also I have a hunch youve never LD but we are all here to learn. good luck

What you desire is certainly possible cristaliciouz. I have sort of been living out a story in my dreams for over a year. I didn’t necessarily “create” it though. My subconscious did most of the work and I didn’t know what to expect from it.

To overcome this “downside” to lucid dreaming, you need to learn to let your subconscious take over and play out the dream passively. The only tips I have for this are to ask your subconscious for help and then go with the flow.