that cartoon is the greatest. i love dbz . i don’t know what your talking about.
i think dbz sucks monkey ballz
DBZ is the best cartoon their is!
oNeiRoMAnCEr, if you get hurt because i dont like DBZ you’re in for a lot of pain in your life since there are many people who dislike DBZ… heheh… nah seriously, it was just just my opinion. I guess there are lots of things YOU dont like which i love, and i dont get upset because of that… i suppose
U know one thing i dont like for sure about this cartoon is the fact that most scenes seem to take ages without anything happening. Then you get some image of a dude who is just nearly static but for some mouth that moves and some air moving on the background. The bodies dont move at all hahaha i think this is hilarious…
yeah, i know what you mean, those episodes where nothing happens are annoying
yeah I hate when the nothing happens on an episode. The funny thing about DBZ it’s addicting.
You crashed while fyling. I too would like to hear about it.
Close your eyes when you watch DBZ when they’re fighting and stuff, and just listen to the sounds, it sounds like a porno movie! Try it, its really funny.
DBZ is good, but the reason so many people dog it, is becuase there is so much better out there in terms of anime. Most people will base anime off of DBZ becuase it’s all they know. Well this is the equivilant of judging american TV by say…the Fox network.
If you want some great anime action anime try hellsing, berserk(Like Conan the barbarian with a plot, mucho anime gore, and philosophy, plus you can rent this series at blockbuster too), and Cowboy bebop. Also check out adult swim on Cartoon network every weeknight(except fridays) and on sunday. Not only do they show family guy and futurama but anime too. The internation channel and Tech Tv show it too. Check the website if you want the schedule. Try your local block buster for anime.
Come back after watching a few animes and then say DBZ is the greatest cartoon ever.