Anyone else have dreadlocks? Mine are about 4 months old, and I think they’re starting to get tight (I’m trying not to use wax)
nope not dreadlocks sry they scare me, i have nice short hair.
I had this period about two months ago when I seriously considered to do them, because I hate my curly hair, and also it looks good. But I realized maybe I’m not the right person to do it, because I read some websites and they said that it’s more of a lifestyle than a hairstyle. And also, I don’t want my scalp to itch and I don’t want to cut my hair if they’re ugly, and I don’t want to take the risk of not getting a job because of them… (some people think they’re execrable…) But nice dreads is so beautiful on a person!
If you wash regularly it won’t itch, and I think it is illegal to not hire someone due to their hair, but I’m not entirely sure. As for the hairstyle/lifestyle thing, I think that it is entirely up to the person. Only trouble is that they look kind of crazy at the beginning.
That ‘craziness’ is so cute…
Yeah, I suppose it’s illegal, but can’t they demand that their staff have a (what they consider) “proper” look? Cloth code… Hair code?
Yeah, you’d narrow your chances. Why do you think they tell you to dress nice at interviews.
I have been told by several sources that you can’t work at Disney World/Land with a visible tattoo.
That’s ridiculous.
heh funny u should bring that up. im convinced not to let anybody cut my hair until i have a good set of dreads. i just had my hair buzzed so its equal length all the way around, that way when i grow it out it doesnt look dumb.
I’ve got short hair… doubt I’d try dreads… but I dye it funky colours and do messed up stuff to it. Red is a wicked colour in hair… but yeah anyway dreads are pretty cool on people who can pull it off…
LOL, everytime i see this title in the new posts since last visit thing, i always think ‘dream dreads’ like stuff you are dreading in a dream…and then i get here and its about the hair dreads! Ive done this about 4 times already for this thread, man hehe.
But anyways, back on topic…someone i knew a long time ago once told me that i should get dreadlocks. Hehe, my hair is black and kind of smooth or however to describe it, like if it was long it would be flowing, i guess (its pretty short now cuz its summer here)
I think dreads are cool, just not for me.