dream ability powers carry on to real life possibility

hii everyone,

Well I have this interesting thought… Well im sure many of you have heard that people only use 10% of their brains and the other 90% is unused or whatevr but anyways… In dreams you obviously are using more than 10 percent of your brain but thats in a dream. Lets say in a rare condition for some reason you are in a lucid dream and you have amazing control and then you wake up. I was wondering if it might JUST be possible that after the dream your brain activity and stuff stays exactly the same as in the dream and your “power” from the dream… carries into real life. This is just a theory and not expected to work at all but i was just wondering or lets say in your dream you are just manipulating objects like making them float for example… You then wake up from the dream, and make an object float… Or possibly you are lucid in your dream, you then wake up BUT you do a reality check since you just woke up and your reality check fails even though you are awake, thinking you are dreaming— you unleash your full potential…

Another thought of mine was that just possibly you could trick someone to think they are dreaming and then they can do anything… This could happen by lets say its just mid afternoon and you sneek up on someone and give them a shot which instantly puts them asleep… When they wake up their vision is a little blurry and their body is completely numb. They then do a pinch reality check and feel no pain. And then so on… And they can have the power to do whatever they want since they believe they are dreaming and BELIEVE that they can do anthing…


I’m sorry to say, but this 10% vs 90% thing is myth.

But what is different between LD (and ND) and waking life is that former goes on in your head, the latter goes on both inside and outside of you. So even if you can fantasize things and put things to levitate, etc. in dreams, in reality you cannot. You can only control your body by using your brain abilities, but it’s a different thing.