Dream Achievement List Project [Participate!]

I’m so pumped for this. I congratulate you AventuradeSueno! I’m sure you have put in a lot of effort into this project and I’m going to do it. I just have one question: Would we just put the icons in our signatures and not our avatars? I’m going to put it in signature instead of my avatar.

Me too(i hope others aswell), and thanks :smile:

Yeah even w/ the volunteers was very time and effort consuming, and if you wanna help you’re welcomed, just tell me how although i need ppl in illustrations.

for now it will be in the signature :wink: UNTIl a MOD/ADMIN help us make the transition from signature to avatar. As i stated, my goal is in the avatar. :smile:

Q told me that isn’t possible the avatar achivement so i guess the signature is going to be the option. I don’t know, this project doesn’t seem to be doing as i expected.

If by St. Valentine’s day this project hasn’t any solid feedback/support, this project is going to be canceled.

Wait, why don’t we add a page to the site in which it is possible to manage your achievments? You know, you will add a link in your Sig, just like mose do to their DJ? I can create a very simple demo if you want, in which you get a page where you can sign in, add/remove achievements and if you are a mod update new achievements… If the beta will be successful, then we will be able to continue on very easily…

Well sounds interesting, if you think you can do that then you’re welcomed.
Just try to do it quickly since we have until Feb14 before the project dies.

It may be ready tomorow for a showcase to you, so that you can see how it is like. NOTE: It has no design (yet), so don’t say its ugly, say wether it is working or not!

Oh perfect, i’ll try to be checking the forum next tuesday. I really thank you for giving me a hand. :handshake: (you’re giving hopes for this project to not be canceled)

Well, here it is: gftmc.hostsnake.com/
No visuals yet, but it works! (Or atleast, So I think)

Anyway, I need a ND and a LD version of every achievement, with the LD one labeled ldAchivement.gif and the ND one labeled Achievement.gif

(Ofcourse, with the achivement being the achivement name)

Until then, don’t bother looking at the site.

Oh great, but one thing, i decided to make the copiable achievements to be the smalls ones that are the ones w/ the LD and the ND version. But which ones do you need the gif? the small ones or the big ones? and how do you want them? because they’re already there to copy.

P.S. i tried it and i checked both of the achiev. and both of the check boxes and when i submit them, the second achievements boxes get unchecked somehow.

Well, I need the big ones. Checking all boxes should work now.

I need the big GIF versions, with description and all. If I can today, I may add an option to upload the LD and ND versions from the site.

cran berry dude? You could do better than this!

But do you need me to post the LD Big Achv versions right? or you are gonna simply have the 2 checkboxes (one for ND and the other for LD)?

Well, what the checkbox does is practically to choose which version of the achivement to show: Either the ND version or the LD version. SO I need an ND version and an LD version of each achv, and that’s how it will work. You won’t see checkbox in the view screen.

Sorry but i’m a bit lost of how it will work BUT i’ll give you the LD ones which are the ones that aren’t posted. (you can copy the ND here right?)
I gonna send you all the NDs and LDs to your email so you can have them in your computer and not via a link.

Ok, that will be perfect.

1.I don’t know but recently while talking to you in this thread i have had a few deja vu’s like i already talked to you and did this project. W :bored:IRD… :eek:
2. I’m gonna send you the NDs and LDs to your email.(as i said before)
3. The project cancelation is canceled. L :content: L

Update: The Testing area at gftmc.hostsnake.com should be working now. Try it, and comment.

It’s improving BUT :wink:
I found some the following errors:
1.Inside-Inter. and Mirror,Mirror don’t appear in LD.
2.the ld’s achvs appear colorless when you have for example an Ld and the other Nds,
they only appear in original color when you have all the ones you have clickboxed, in LD. IN OTHER WORDS: You either have NDs or LDs, i tried and when i have a mix of them, the LD’s would display in a sephia like color. :neutral:

3.(this one is suggestion): It would be great to have an ‘‘all boxes unchecker’’ so when you decide to uncheck them all to start over.

Should be all working properly right now. Just remeber to use the REFERSH button before saying the image is wrong. (It was wrong this time, but after changing it it didn’t update until I had refreshed)

Added an uploader: gftmc.hostsnake.com/upload.php
So now everyone can upload achivements. Just note that you should use the already made achivements as templates in size and color.

Yeah is working well now thank God :wink: , but i saw like a pinneapple saying ‘‘darkside’’ between the achievements… :eh:


Following steps to do would be:
1.Integrate the linking to LD4all.com
2.Make a background design for page you made.

The design isn’t realy important for the beta-phase. Pineapple flag is now gone.

Please, Make a note here after registering. If you feel something is missing, either small or big, say it. Even if you think it is over-complicated. Unless it has to do with emails, in which case, nothing can be done.

Q, if you are watching this - Can you suggest any way to integrate it besides what I already did with the image?