Dream Achievement List Project [Participate!]

I really thank you for helping me this far :smile:
I’ll try to make like a new achv. per day at least. :tongue:

Let’s just then wait for ppl to come little by little.

:arrow_right: dream scoreboard
:arrow_right: Most achieved achievement
:arrow_right: New achievement (Lone wolf)

now i see this and the only thing i can think of is the all-too familiar to me “achievement unlocked” message that notifies me when i am playing my brain-drain box :X

well, this idea is fantastic, it makes me giggle. Such a silly idea, but in a good one! it makes me giddy, hehe.

Now I will have to resist boosting my Dream-Gamerscore.

On a serious note, I believe that dreams are an insight into who we truly are; an unparalleled Philosophical Journey. After having an amazing, deep experience, seeing ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED 15G would probably spoil it. I can’t see how one would need motivation from a system of increasing replay value in video games to enjoy their dreams. It just seems odd.

But if it works to motivate you, go ahead. I must concede that it is an original and fun idea, and I must congratulate you for coming up with it, AventuradeSueno. Good luck.

Well, Faust, it all depends on your view of dreams. If you look at them as gates to your inner self, than you wouldn’t want achievments. If you look at them like I do, mainly Like a video game or a movie intended for pure fun and funny experiments, than those could motivate you.

Besides, dreams can get boring if you have nothing to do in them, and this project can give you quests to do.

Yeah is something fantastic :smile: if you are searching motivation for certain quests but you need the visual design in your record. It’s basically a fun way for motivation.

It’s like Twilight says, it depends on your view of dreams, this system won’t work for everyone as no system in the world does. But thanks for your compliments, even though it is not that original, we have to give half credit to Xbox 360. :wink:

Exactly, it offers 2 functions:

  1. Give quests to do that you might not have come up.
  2. And it does that in a creatively visual way and still personalized and customizable.(because you can still put your own achievements.


:arrow_right: New Achievement.(The Flash)

:Arrow: New Achievements.1.Do-Re-Mi & Zoophilic

I won’t be able to be doing achievements for the next period or so, my laptop’s mouse just broke up and i can’t design.

Should we add double kill and killing spree?

sry but this seems very halo-ish

good idea, but i dont know if i want to flood the forum with em (no pun intended)


I take back what I said before. This is pure awesome.

Now I’m going to go for the Eagle’s Flight Achievement and jump from the highest building I can, hoping that there is a bale of hay to land in at the bottom.

I, personally, love this idea. I see dreams as both insightful and a fun “escape” from reality… and when i dream, i don’t really have an achievement “popup”… i just remember what i did in the dream and check it off in the list. Plus it’s a graet motivational tool.

Nice Work

A couple of quick questions- Will there be a point value for the achievements?
When are you hoping to have the revised product? (currently, it’s a wee bit bland… still kool though ^^)
This is concerning the actual achievements- Will you be adding more?
Also, If you get the band achievement, aren’t you playing an instrument?
thanx ^

Well, It is currently a half-dead project, cause of lack of interest from the public.

As for scoring, I don’t think that is necessery, simply because there cannot be a single scoring mechanism for everyone: It might be easier for you to fly rather than to dream in black and white, or vice versa.

If you are interested, you can create your own achievements. I can’t, simply because I do not have the skills, but everyone else is welcome.

About the band thingie - well, not realy. You can sing, for instance.

Thank you. :slight_smile:
Do you think there could be some way to increase interest? Because i love this idea, and i would really like to see it evolve.

Well, I don’t know how can you possibly increase the interest in something that is already in this forum… Unless you want to contact the mods for official support or something…

Also, you can add it to your signature.