Dream Chaining

How many dreams have you chained together in one night? Last night I chained four. I do it pretty instinctively and I was wondering how I could use this to become lucid.

the chained dreams rartely happens for me… but when it does it is awesome… usually goes all night… I am just wowed… any one know hwo to improve this linking together of dreams becuase when that happens I usually enjoy it just as much as LDs

It’s rare for me as well, but when it happens I will usually chain 3 dreams together, once I did it to every dream I had one night. I too would love to be able to get good at doing this, and become lucid in the 1st dream, so the rest I can continue to be lucid in.

It’s all a matter of how you wake up. Sometimes when I wake from a dream, I don’t move or open my eyes, and 3 seconds later i’m back in the dream. Usually I have to get up to go to the bathroom, or i’m just not able to get back to sleep for some reason.

i do this every night but not for too long

what usually happens is during my long dreams, I will “go to bed” and then “wake up” and do things…

sometimes this follows an entire movie like dream, or sometimes I wake up into new scenes but it feels like a continuous change from the old dream, due to invented dream memories.

this happens in the early morning… usually, and yes I’ll eventually wake up, not move, think about the dream, and be back in it.

So it can produce very long dreams.

like last night it started out with my uncle doing weird stuff and talking to me about a lighters, and it turned out he was this little girl spirit who claimed responsibility for all my rape like dreams, she was like “i figured this would be better than the other presence for you” and then well… to make things short I was in a dorm room, had her clean it and take care of it while I was gone… went to town… found myself napping in a rec center for a LONG TIME… got up, got in a fight with this girl I know… walked outside, she was in the process of apologizing to me… and I woke up…

couldn’t re-enter because my hand was asleep…

but I do think that throughout this dream, which had to have been at least an hour long figuring in for the probably NREM dreams of playing video games and me napping and thinkng about things… I did have to re-enter a few times, but it was easy to do

I know a few times though the night I was like “this is really nice, I dont’ need to be lucid tonight at all really… this is fun” and i know there are tons of memories I’m forgetting, like me playing with a gun, I can remember that, and it had an entire dreams worth of plot to it, but i don’t know what it was.

so… yeah… you can “chain” all night I’m sure, it’s a question of memory I guess… and comfort.

if you move a muscle your re-entry chances can be killed

if i could find a super comfortable way to sleep without getting really sore… the possibilities… wow…

I’m unsure of what a chained dream is. I am going to assume that it is multiple dreams that still seem directly related. If this is true then I have had these dreams every night for the last week. I’m always doing something then have another dream of me hours later after doing it. That or I’m talking to a DC about a previous dream I had that night without realizing I’m dreaming as I talk about it . :grrr: