Well, my only LD lasted only a few seconds, so I had no time to do anything, so I was wondering: how realistic are dream characters? Are they intelligent and possible to converse with, or unrealistic?
I really want to talk to Jimi Hendrix, even if it’s just a dream.
Dream characters are extremely unpredictable. You may be discussing philosophy with an old wise sage in your dream, and before you know it he slaps you in the forehead and says “You need more toast!” or some other nonsense.
It really depends on the person having the LD, some people have very realistic DCs, others have it the opposite way. I’m sure DCs will get easier to converse with as you have more LDs, though.
DC’s are interesting. At times, they behave exactly as you expect, but then they’ll suddenly do something on “their own” initiative. I wonder what controls a DC.
In a Lucid Dream, Dream Characters always do exactly what i want them to do. I wish i could somehow lose my power over them… except when it comes to hot DCs.
If you think he will fight back, he probably will. Other than that I think the DC will either not react to your punch, or he will just do some typical moronic DC-activity, whatever that might be.
i had a funny experience with a DC once (ND) i was having a dream fueled by reallife anger towards someone. Next thing i know this thought comes to me in a the dream and my dream me gets angry - totally psycho and start bludgeoning, breaking necks etc of every DC i encountered.
At one point i broke a neck and through the person down some steps. Next thing i know he stands up, puts his head right, looks me square in the eye and says: “How bloody rude, most people say ‘hi’ you try *ing killing me. Nice to fing meet you too” Slaps me in the face and walks off.
I think that is better than having full control over them… not fun when you can predict how they react… This is what i find facinating with dcs, that all of them seems to have their own kind of personality. One of my greatest lds involved DC’s
For instance, if it’s one of my close friends, they’ll generally behave similar to how they do in RL. This is undoubtedly because I know them well enough to ‘expect’ their reactions to be true to life. Other DCs can behave unpredictably, from talking far too much, to staring at you in complete silence.
I enjoy invoking reactions from DCs, just to watch how they respond to various things.
My DCs usually just walk around without saying anything unless I speak to them first. They’re great tools though - I tell them to do what I want instead of doing it myself. For example:; if I want to create something I tell them to make it for me, and voila, it appears.