Dream Companion

wow congratulations soon I’d like to make a thing called MentalEnigma I’d like to see what he or she or what would look like. I picture mental enigma and a shadowy figure and a deep voice. And very Intelligent soon I hope I can get my dream companion :happy:

I’ve been reading through this, and it’s very interesting to see your progression and I’m wondering if this might be the method for me, as I’ve never succeeded in WILD. Does anyone have a link to a CALD thread?

I would like to say this all happened in one night but I actually have been thinking about this for a week. I’m just glad I posted this when there was good helpers browsing the forums.

Enigma : I wish you the best of luck in creating your companion. I can’t begin to explain how awesome it was for her to show up on my first try. It was funny when I started waking up though. I was actually talking at one point. People would of thought I was crazy talking to myself about how fluffy something was :smile:

The CALD Tutorial
The current CALD part
Other links can be found here

Good luck Smiley, way to go! :smile:

Auora (sorry, forget how to spell it if that was incorrect spelling) has given me inspiration to create my own dog as a companion in dreams :grin: For keeping her in the dream, maybe keep a remote on you at all times and put a little transporter chip on her collar, then press a transport button whenever you want her? And also, i like training her as a puppy! Imma use that. Here is my idea.

White shih-tzu with streaks of green through the hair
Sex: Male
Name: GreenStreak
Ability: Sense danger, transport to me when I call his name, and elasticity ( :woo: )
Green eyes
1 Month old
Personality : Fun and silly, but serious and dangerous when needed.
Steps in training

  1. Jump through hoop
  2. Do a flip
  3. Play dead
  4. Fighting (when using elasticity to be big, this could come in handy)
  5. Make it follow my commands by my thoughts
    and i’m gonna make it so its already potty trained :tongue:

good luck on training auora!!! (again, spelling.)

It is cool that I have inspired someone but I thought I would post some things about my experiences with Aurora. She has popped up a few times in my dreams since her creation. She seems to be learning tricks and commands with me not there. I have gotten half lucid because of her showing up in NDs. I have noticed that her aging is a bit odd. When she first showed up again in a LD she was quite a bit older than she was at her creation. She had grown about I’m guessing a month in a few days. It is still fun when she shows up though. Playing and training is a blast when you don’t have any distractions in the room. Good luck with GreenStreak Overseer Aurora has been a blast to have with me in my dreams. (posted on an iPod so mind the grammar and spelling)