During the summer I was keeping my dream diary very well, I did it everyday and I was getting close to lucidity. I was haveing alot of false awakenings, I was realiseing I was dreaming more and more, and (i think) a brush with the old hag. I was very close, I could tell, then school started and I had no time to write in my DD anymore. I haven’t had any sort of brush with lucidity since I quit.
It takes my about 1-1.5 hours to write down a dream. And that’s with includeing just about all the detail I can remember. I heard it was best to do it this way, to write down ALL you can. I was wondering if it would still be worthwhile to keep a dream diary if I kept it brief and just wrote the main points and anything else that seemed to stick out or be important.
If you can’t afford an hour for writing down the whole story, then maybe write only entry words(?), and the main points, so if you go through your diary to notice what dream signs you encounter mostly in your dreams, you can have at least some benefit from it.
Oy I’m dumb! I just thought of an idea while reading your post Cyrus.
I could write down just a few things when I wake up, main points and such…
They when I come back home(when I can find an hour to spare) I look at that for a refresher of my dream, and then write a full entry of all I remember. Not as effective as doing it shortly after I wake up, but still would help some I guess.
Aha, now i see what your “problem” is. Actually i have the same, because when trying to write down at least one dream per night is sometimes complicated. If i would write down the whole dream when woking up during night, i would most probably lose my sleep for an hour, or so. And it’s pretty impossible if i need to hurry somewhere in morning too. So i mostly wake up, quickly write some entry words, and that’s all. So during the day when i have time, i can re-construct almost the whole story and write it down thanks to those quick notes.
So you at least have time to write your dream later, and it’s great. I thought at first that you dont have that time during the day at all