Im new to this forum so this is me first post yay
I have been looking for a Dream diary for my computer as i’m sure there has to be one… But no luck. Any suggestion/help on this?
Im new to this forum so this is me first post yay
I have been looking for a Dream diary for my computer as i’m sure there has to be one… But no luck. Any suggestion/help on this?
BTW, Welcome!
wow that sounds pretty cool, only thing is that… I don’t have 40 dollars cuz i’m just a poor boy nobody loves me…
Umm, if you want a dream diary online, then I guess you can just post it on LD4ALL’s Dream Diary section…
Or if you want to store it locally you can just type it into a Word or Notepad, right? I dunno, maybe there’s something I’m missing (there must be), but it seems like either-or would be just fine.
Part of my DD is stored in an obscure file on the computer…I made it an HTML file with a password made in Javascript…Now, this is pathetically easy to get past, unless you’re my family, in which case it’ll work just fine.
But that’s kind of irrelevant, isn’t it?
Edit: Oh yeah, and WELCOME TO THE FORUMS!
Thank you
Why not just make it in word and put a password on it? Would be easier than a html file right? Heck if you want to be really tricky you could set your computer to not show hidden files and folders and make your dream diary a hidden file.
– As for programs, there are a few around but i find the simpleist of things best.
Pen and a book i write them down in pen and paper so i dont forget them then write them up on my word processor and save them to disk.
Word is also good as you can put it in tables and what not or make it nice and colourful
Now, that’s entirely true, but I usually end up going for bare-minimum anyway…Word is okay, but I’d rather just type
by opening it in Notepad, than open up Word…I just dislike it.Yeah, okay, I’m completely lazy, what of it? Better yet, I’m probably worse than lazy since it’s probably easier to use Word.
I jot it down in a notebook on the side of my bed when I wake up. Later during the day, I transfer the data in a more coherent form to my free LiveJournal.com account.
How do you put a password on files? Or at least Wordpad Documents?
I don’t think you can do it on wordpad doocuments, at least not the one I have. You can go to https://www.xaltra.net and look for Diary Defender. It’s not the best, in my opinion, but it’s free with no limits at all!
I agree with DM on this. I like to keep it simple and just use a pen and paper. I don’t put them on my computer at all. It is much easier to analyze my dreams that way.
https://www.liquid-dream.com/ is the best i could find. It does cost some money for the full version, but I like the merlin character and its a good program. Theres a 4 day trial version.