This is from yesterday night:
I came upon a moonlit path in some sort of park. Looking around, I realized it was a dream. It was surrounded on both sides by trees, but it was so dark that I could barely distinguish any at all. It was extremely dark, almost shadowed. I think at one point I turned to my left and saw a reflection in a pond. I remarked to myself that now was as good a time as ever to confront my fears. I continued walking forward and shouted “Dream! What are my fears! What is the purpose of this scene!” Or something like that. For some reason the dream prevented me from staying long in that scene, and my words were progressively harder to speak. Not only that, but their volume was decreasing as well, to the point where they were but a whisper. At this point the collapse of the dream was imminent and I was about to enter sleep paralysis again. I accepted it and came into another dream.
In the onset of this dream, I experienced a sharp pain emanating from the center of my head. I think me acknowledging it increased the pain. It became sharper and sharper and eventually dulled out as the dream progressed. The dream said his name and his purpose, but the pain was so great in the early stages of the dream that I was unable to focus on what was being presented to me. I was observing boss 17 number 3 appoint someone to the head of a subdivision. He was quite happy and energetic, seated in a room typing on a type writer. The dream was bright and someone was narrating it, I think the dream.
Could this dream be a response to the previous one? Why was my head hurting?
Has anyone experienced something like this? The dream literally prevented me from speaking and forcefully removed me from the dream. As for the second dream, I felt a sharp pain emanate from my physical head in real life, which is odd. I also didn’t feel like I was in the second dream, merely a spectator watching and listening to the dream narrate.
This was from 8-5-15
Walking down a white halfway when I asked “Am I dreaming?” I was. I started to stabilize the dream when the lights went out and a nurse pushing a wheel chair up ahead stopped. I saw a figure to my left as I said “I will face my fears” but I was unable to move. I think I went into sleep paralysis after.
It seems that whenever I try to face my fears, the dream ejects me almost instantly. In the last case, a shadowy figure was present that paralyzed me. How should I go about approaching this figure (perhaps it is a representation of my fears)?
Does anyone else have experience with this?