Dream "Guatemalan Worry Dolls"

I got a set of “worry dolls” on a visit to Luckenback, Texas. A very small Texas town with a population of 2 :content:
I suppose I had them now 10 years, and I have had them put up. I think I remember the last time I used them. I was in San Antonio Texas and slept with them under my pillow that night. In the morning I was having a great dream about tasty popcorn. I bit into the popcorn and seemed to almost break my tooth.
That’s when I fully woke up to find the blue doll in my mouth, and her head with a toothmark. Even after 10 years the blue thread from her robe is still embedded in her head. :shy:

Ok, here is my plan. Tonight I’m going to put them in a nice safe plastic bag to protect them/me from eating them, and I’m going to use them for the first time in 10 years. :happy: I think they’ll make a very good placebo to help with dream incubation.
I’m going to tell them my worries about my lack of dream recall among other lucidity related things. :wink: Let’s see how it goes. :grin:

:happy: hey! I’d consider them a success.

btw, two of my cousins in New Mexico have 1 doll each. So I don’t have a full set of 5 worries. :wink:

One worry I used was more like a wish, heh. I said that I’m worried that my dream recall is not what it once was. :smile:

I did have a full night of dreams, and I can remember having more than 5. I don’t remember being fully lucid, but they were all vivid.

My favorite dream was with my Grandma who has past away. It’s was her birthday today Febuary 12th, and I had a long nice dream with just us two. We were at her house and hanging out as usual as ever, and talking about many things. Towards the end of the dream I must have sensed it, because I said “I love that I still get to spend time with you” and it was all very happy. It’s not emotionally teary after I wake up. It’s a very comforting and soothing dream, and especially on her birthday.

What intriques me about this dream is how I’m slighty lucid. I’m aware and grateful of the limited time as it’s happening, but I’m not lucid. Maybe the attachment of the content grabs my attention elsewhere. At the time, the interaction was enjoyable and satisfying enough to remain in that directions, and I didn’t have a desire to “lucidly” alter it.

I’m putting the dolls away for now to keep in decent condition. Besides, they are not working if you have worries every night! :lmao:

DreamAddict i cant believe that no one yet reacted to this very funny and original story hehe :smile:

The award for funny dream tool goes to DreamAddict!

Great story DA thanks :wink:


Can they be bought somehow?I want a pair!!heheh really…i like the idea…DreamAddict-if u ever happen to see such thing for sale dont hesitate.
take care:)

Thats very cool DA,I might have to get me a few of them dolls :content:
I have also had lucid dreams with my grandma who has passed on.
And like you I felt rather comforted afterwords,Its alway nice to just have a chat with them.
Good for you.

thanks Jeff! :smile:

Jack, I’m 1500 miles away from where I got them 10 years ago. That was the only place I knew where to get them. I’m very sure lots of places should have them. I’ll check some places online and check back! :happy:

BioHazard, I’m glad you can understand those dreams and enjoy their worth. I’ve noticed for some people that dreams of dead loved ones only stir up painful feelings. Or dreams can seem to play a cruel trick and fool us into thinking the loved one are still alive, and then relive the loss again when they wake and realize it was a dream. I think to enjoy these dreams require a certain amount of lucidity.

Heres me with voodoo doll made custom to help me concentrate,meditate
and have lucid dreams.
Basic idea comes from DreamAddict post about Guatemalan Dolls.
It was made from Ureons description of my Dream Guide(dark hair,purple robe) by my girlfriend.
I chose her to do it cuz theres emotionall bound between us(which is i guess important when making voodoo doll).Secondly she has some “powers”- like tvs sometimes stop working when she enters the room and stuff:)Also she actually lucid dreams on will.
Having it all i thought its the right person to do such a doll.
Inside the doll there are some secter ingredients…like notes about
dreaming,some little adult pictures to help me about my dream
content…hehe…so on.
As to how it works i have to wait a bit till my recall gets better.I
guess somehow next week it will start sleeping under my pillow:)
take care,and thx DreamAddict:)

ps.DreamAddict will paste pictures here as soon as he gets to the forum.Maybe with the link to Ureons post which is kinda meanigfull for this post.

I never had any experiences with voodoo dolls, but I’m definitely curious if it actually works. :smile:
Please keep me updated about that voodoo doll!

DreamAddict, I loved your story about worry dolls. :happy:

I love this idea. I think it’s great. :happy:

I personally look at it like a lucidity reminder more than a voodoo doll. I think it could help your mind and body remember to lucid dream, and it helps to keep LDs on your mind while in bed.
I think it would be cool if the doll had an open pocket to stick certain things in. Maybe something you would like to dream about. Each night you could stick different things in the pocket to help incubate certain dreams. :smile:

Thanks Jack to you and your Girlfriend for expanding on this idea. I’m very very happy to see someone get such an unique idea from this thread.

I love the idea so much I’m already looking for material to make my own. I’m not scared of sewing! :tongue: but I bet my skill doesn’t make a doll as nice as yours! :wink:

Heheh Thx for such a great response:)
It gave me the idea actually.Ill add to it custom made bacpack!!:)Heheh DreamGuide with a bacpack full of dreams for a wish!:slight_smile:

Nice pics Jack! Goodluck with the dolls :wink:
And with lucid dreams!


those dolls are the cutest thing… does anyone know about their traditional background ? is there a myth behind them or anything?

I found an online store that sells worry dolls $11 for a dozen. It even comes with a nifty bag.

You can find that here:

[edit- I found a site that has a MUCH better price. 6 for only $1.32
And that’s right here:
store.mind-n-magick.com/worrydolls6.html ]

Don’t forget to post the resulting LD in the Dream Diary Section. :wiske:

eheh, do you reckon this would work with any inanimate doll-like object? only i sometimes sleep with a stuffed animal under my duvet and have occassionally been known to hold long conversations with it at night :tongue: and as i firmly beleive in the powers of placebo, i may try this. oh, and dreamaddict, i really like the idea of writing your intentions down and putting it inside the doll…

er, anyway, if this yields any LD, i shall say.

I would imagine that anything which helps you focus your intention to “remember you are dreaming” would be of some benefit.

I spoke to someone about dream guides and remembered this topic.Its very old,but i thought operators wouldnt mind me putting it back up again for some new members to see it.I just have warm feelings for this somehow.
take care:)

I saw dolls like that in a health food shop here in Bodø :cool: There is a small wooden figure placed on top of my door…I made it to look like the golden and white woman from some of my dreams. That woman is the closest I have got to a dream guide :cool:

I know this isn’t on-topic, but I just find it hilarious that the “slash me” mod has ruined this part of your original post. Where you previous had “protect them / me from eating them” (without a space on either side of the slash), that line has now become an action, which adds the asterisk and the italic tags automatically.

Makes me wonder how many other posts will inadvertantly trigger this. :content:


good eye Atheist.