Dream incubation success 3 times in a row this morning...?

I’m moving out of my house right now, and I was expecting some family members to come and help me in the early afternoon, so I obviously had this on my mind a lot this morning.
But I still had several hours left to sleep, so I was thinking why not try WBTB?
The thing I found rather cool was that although I didn’t actually become lucid, I did manage to incubate a dream where I was cleaning the house with the family members (and a bunch of other random people) - and I did this three times in a row!
Is this normal?

When you are anxious or awaiting something to happen, especially when it is timed, you will dream about it. It takes up a big space in your mind and this happens to me a lot. For example, the night before school- school is the one thing on my mind. I usually have a dream about school happening etc. etc. It’s normal!