Writing dream journal, how carefully do you write your dreams down?
I usally write very little even if there are alot of things going on, for exampel on of my dreams:
“Creture(blue) melting out of my body, talking to it . The LSA peak, feels like tripping in the dream. Walking to the tent. Meeting Emil, his face smears out and changes shape. I’m tripping in the dream.”
(Note that is not the avrage dream for me)
And trough this I remember all the backgrounds and how it looked and felt, and small things around.
I don’t have so much experience of lucid dreaming (one lucid dream) or keeping a dream journal for a long period of time so I’m asking if it might be bad or good just writing essintial stuff down?
I guess I’m afraid that when I read old dreams (I have only kept dream journal for a short period of time) I won’t understand my self, if there are people who keep there dream journal short and just writing essintial stuff down have hard understanding them self?
Excuse me if my spelling is not the greatest, I talk english better than i write
(Writing this down I realise I have to start writing my dreams down more carefully, wich kind of making the post of this subject ilogical )