dream journals

should experienced lucid dreamers still keep a DJ? and i mean does it actually help, not just keep one because its nice

Why not try keeping one for a while, see if that helps and stop if you find it doesn’t?

Everyone who LD should keep a DJ so that the dreams dont disappear, there are several ways to kepp a DJ, mine is in LD4all :cool_raz:

You don’t have to do anything.

Keeping a DJ , at the base, is keeping track of your dreams.

The main benefit of this is… to keep track of your dreams.

Naturally, it will enhance your DR etc…

Dont feel obligated to do anything you don’t feel like doing

I keep my DJ just for fun.
I admit it has improved my dream recall, but I mianly just do it for fun and give others some insight into my dream life. :content:

I’d like to keep a DJ, but I cant be bothered. It sounds horribly lazy but I have to leave for college like ten minutes after I wake up :happy: and i forget most of my dreams during the day anyway.

even if a DJ doesn’t help you that much it’s still good to have one for record-keeping purposes.