very interesting idea, i’ve heard some strange things in dreams as well… no idea what they meant.
satrude (adjective, that’s all i know…)
very strange, it would be interesting to ask dream characters what these words meant, and use their definitions to make a personal dictionary of sorts. or if we got many to do this we could make one somehow…
A few days ago I dreamt of reading through a dictionary, and the memory of one of the words (‘Itites’) stuck in my head. Since then I’ve found more dream words mentioned on the net and so as a lighthearted project to amuse myself I’m going to assemble a dream dictionary using all the examples I can find.
If anyone else dreams any strange words then feel free to let me know
You probably don’t want to read all the way through (there is a lot to read), but somewhere in either my first dream journal thread or my second dream journal thread (called “[My Dream Journal]”), I mentioned a list I saw in a dream once… There was a list of peoples names or something similar, and there were numbers that I recognized when I woke up to be the suffixes to the screen names of people I had chatted with.
according to my dreams those little machines at malls that kids ride in are called rugby-cars. haha, no wait! it was zac hansson that told me that:D
ages ago, in a dream… we sat in a sofa talking and he told me how fun he thought the rugby cars at mcdonalds are…
I was surprised to find myself speaking perfect French in a dream a few nights ago. I don’t speak French and have never studied it (although I had recently watched a French movie.) I can’t even pronounce what I was saying in the dream while awake, but I was speaking and understood French in the dream.
question is was it french or french words that made no sense.
I actually did a search on those words in google and alot are found, either as names or words. Most asian. It’s possible that you hear then and your subconscious stores them?
Bit of topic but here is a true life story about the langauge thing. (appologies for the sketchy detail but i am doing this from memory)
A woman from Scotland, who spoke no other languages but english had a stroke. When she came too she could not speak or understand english, but she could speak perfect french. Although prior to the stroke she did not understand a word of french she could now speak and understand french, but had lost the ability to understand her native tongue.
this was from a newspaper along time ago. Wish i could find it again.
I think that the use of unknown words in dreams could be explained by Jungs collective unconcious.
I cant really remember talking in my dreams, or using words… i guess if i communicate its telepathic…