Dream love

No… you are way off on that part. The kind of dream love I’m talking about is about completion. Everything you lack is filled in and everything good about you grows enormously. Total satisfaction and bliss… not brotherly love. Ewwww.

yes, I once had a dream in which I loved this blue haired girl, and I had to watch her be executed. This was when I was very young, but it was the most powerful feeling of love I’ve ever felt…

I don’t know whether to be jealous of you guys or happy I’ve never experienced this. I haven’t had a dc around long enough for that, unless it was someone I had feelings for irl.

I have a persistent dream character for eight years now. It is wonderful to feel not alone in lucid dreams.

Ahaha, well I meant I can understand why other people can have that connection with a really good friend or family member, although for me it hasn’t really been like that.

You’re lucky, Estok. Wish I could have that… :sad:

Sometimes I get the couch:

880 - Sleeping bag
She was upset and cut her hair really short.
I hugged her.
She turned into a roll of white sleeping bag.

Once I dreamt of the perfect guy. Really, absolutely perfect. Well, except for the fact that he was gay, but that didn’t bother me. Maybe he was a bisexual… Anyways, he was extremely good-looking and very kind. I was sad when I woke up, as you have perhaps already guessed…

It does s*ck doesn’t astralfog. Whatever they were in our dreams the feelings/emotions don’t change.

I’ve had a lot of love-related dreams before (Dreams posted at DreamViews in my dream journal there Link to Dream Journal)
One that I don’t think I posted in that DJ was several months in dream-time (i.e. the dream wasn’t really that long, just it covered events that occupied about 3 months of time in the dream) Anyway, near the beginning, I met a really cute blonde girl on a bus with me (we were evacuating because of some doomsday-deally with the government and a large portion of the US’s population being destroyed) and we started talking. The dream went on and we wound up getting eachother out of some difficult situations as we tried to find a safe haven amidst the chaos. In the end we got married and had two kids, but then she died from some disease or another. It totally ruined me emotionally for the next week, even though she wasn’t real.

The rules of normal emotions don’t work the same way in dreams. I mean, I had a girlfriend in real life when I had that dream, and in the more lucid parts of the dream I could remember that I had a girlfriend, but I just didn’t care. I’d bet that it’s mostly just because your mind can create the ideal individual for you to fall in love with when you’re in a dream. That, and you aren’t necessarily faced with the trials inherent to a real-life relationship.

yeh- also theres the fact that with dream love it seems you dont even have to know that person (or even that DC) to have the strong feelings.

In mine i felt really strongly for someone i had never met in RL or in a dream, admittedly she did seem like a bizarre combination of a few people.

I had strong feelings all the next day- but i wasn’t sad. In a way it made me feel good that i had expierienced something so powerfull in a dream… :content:

But doesn’t it make you wonder if you can only experience something that involves you so emotionally and deeply in a dream?

Compared to myself in dreams, I feel numb. I’ve never experienced something so electric, and I suppose I never will.

That makes me wonder, what does trigger this emotion in dreams? If we could pinpoint the answer, maybe we could trigger it in RL?

Once again, I’d say it’s all in your head. Yeah, the emotions are DEFINITELY more powerful in a dream, but that’s because your mind is freed from waking life. It doesn’t HAVE to have a reason for it. It just does it. That’s what makes LDing so worthwhile!

I suppose its the percieved perfect scenario- this is why it is so unlikely (but not impossible in RL). In a dream you cannot be let down, every thing is as you expected/imagined.

When your disapointed with something in RL how often do you say “it wasn’t how i imagined it”. This is why RL cannot compete with LD in that respect and probably never will.

But good luck on finding the “perfect” partner! :cry:

I see it same way as Tsen.
This is how dreams can show us what love can be. Dcs love us with no expectations- they accept everything we are and everything we do.Unconditionally. In real life we often treat relations with our partners like business- "she gives me this and i give her that". When we feel we give more than recieve we start to feel bad,used,tricked. We EXPECT therefore we end up dissapointed when other person refuse to play along our expectations or fullfill our conditions.We do so because we are learnt this way- it starts with our parents whos love should be greatest and often is conditionall too. Anyways,i think such dreams are to remind us what love is and how wonderfully it can taste when we give up on expectations and conditions. Additionally like Tsen said- we are freed from rl conditions- we dont think "will he marry me?what will we live for?what if he does not want kids?what his/her mom thinks?"etc,etc. In short were free from fear and once we do not fear anything we experience whats on the other part of scale- love.

I wonder if love in dreams can be connected to the love instinct we are born with? I have never been in any relationship in real life. Still, it is possible to experience deep love in a dream. It is like it is a genetic memory, something we all are capable of.

I think love for family is instinctual- where as love for a stranger (as is sometimes the case in dreams) is connected with a persons need for love in their life and hence tends to be a learnt response over time.
Everyone learns love at an early age, but the concept of love changes with age, that is why, many people who may not have expierienced love yet still have dreams where DC’s love them unconditionally.
This has not been the case in my dreams. Normally i end up arguing with the DC or they seem to leave, but i still feel love for them.
I would love to interragate one in a lucid dream, but haven’t got round to it yet and im still an amateur LDer! :sad:

Another interesting point about the love thing and how it evolves with age… It is a psychological theory that a childs idea of love greatly varies from an adult. It is said that if you ask a child below the age of 10 what they would do if their mother was dying and needed a drug that cost more money than they could afford- would they steal the drug?
Strangely it has been found that nearly all say “no”, “because stealing is wrong”. I tried this on my brother at the time and confirmed it! So love is a strange thing… :confused:

I think they say that because they suspect they’re falling into a verbal trap.

“Would you steal to save your mom?”

“Sure, I’d do anything!”

“STEAL?? YOU ARE A BAD BOY!” :tongue:

that is nothing to do with love… but the ability to see shades of grey in moral decisions

i dont think a person can fully understand love at an early age.
The test sort of proves that children hold what they believe is the “right answer” in higher regard than love, which an adult understands as one of the most important emotions.

Children do not understand this and still think stealing should be given more regard, so in that why it has plenty to do with love or a childs lack of understanding for its impact on society.

That is why for many younger people dream love in lucids may be unconditional i.e. parental and not realistic. Until they have expierienced it in RL i doubt anyone could claim to have felt that in a dream- the same goes for drugs, it is just how you would imagine it to be, nothing more.