Dream love

" monsterfeets, I definitely would like to read some of your dreams one day "

Monsterfeets, i definately would like to be in some of your dreams:)
Especially if you wear monsterheels:)

I completely know how you feel (My SG and lower SG seem to give me the same feelings/situation as you) :wink: .

I actually felt this for the first time a few weeks ago. I me a wonderfull girl in this dream. It was a relatively long dream, and it was so intimate, in the way that our relationship developed. From the first looks 'til bedtime. We were so close and so perfect together. In this dream I was introduced to her by som IRL friend. And right away it was if as all my uncertainty and cautiousness in my RL was gone.

I’ve been in love 3 times… 2 of those loves has been returned, but also in those relationsships there has been a certain cautiousness in the beginning (as I believe is normal, and can be good in it self), but in this dream there was nothing like that. No real curiosity or unsertainty at all. Just unity and perfect understanding. But weren’t this dizzy just-fallen-in-love feeling either. But just… as I said, a profound understanding and deep romantic love.

I felt changed for a week after having that dream. Great stuff.

I’ve fallen in love once with an unknown DC and once with a buddy I had on ICQ (back in the day). I will never forget the sense of loss I felt after those dreams ended and realized none of it was true. But I also will never forget how it felt to feel the way I did in those dreams :content:

What’s that saying? “It’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all”.

In my experience the love for DC’s can feel very intense, almost artificial. I believe that this emotion created by the mind is only one component of love – just the feeling of bliss that you would feel in a relationship. I have felt “love” in many dreams, but have not simultaneously felt all the RL components such as responsibility, trust, personality compatibility, or even lust. Additionally I have never known the reason why I am in love with this person. It is as if the mind takes one aspect and heightens it to an extreme.

This may sound unconnected, but it reminds me of some nightmares I have had where I am somehow expecting something scary to happen, but at the same time I also being rational and thinking “there is nothing that can logically happen at that moment that can be scary”. And then I get extremely terrified for no apparent reason. Perhaps my brain thinks there is no need to generate anything scary, so instead just simulates the feeling of pure fear.

My point is that the mind knows what these pure emotions are like (maybe even if they have not really been experienced yet) and can create and amplify them without an apparent stimulus. These amplified emotions are so powerful that they are felt after waking up. [And yes, I agree that the feeling after waking up and realising a love was just a dream is utterly devastating. :crying: ] I have had examples of several other emotions that have been strong enough in my dream for me to continue to experience them when I wake up.

Hmm, it seems I have written a boring post on an interesting thread, so I apologise!

But you’re not saying that all dream emotions are like that? You have to remember that in lucid dreams, there is usually a reason to be feeling something, at least for me. Because I know I am dreaming, negative emotions are dampened and positive emotions are hightened.

not true of me. my most intense emotions happen in waking life. but then I tend not to have intense dreams any more, however that sense of numinous wonder I get most strongly in some dream, still.

as far as dream lovers, I did get them but have not for about ten years.

one DC who recently started to recurr and I have a parent-child relationship with in the dreams. though I think of her as my mother, she looks like a person I have a crush on IW who looks happen to look a little like a younger version of my mother who speaks with an American accent. (by a coincidence, she also had a hair cut the same way.)

up until now I have not really had a recurring DC, unless you count another mother figure who would appear, sort of a beautiful Earth Mother.

superstitiously, I sort of think now that I have described her I will no longer dream of her.

Woaaah… what? This thread is getting really confusing, because I can’t tell if people are speaking as if there’s no exception to what they are saying or not. But for many of us, there’s an except to saying “It doesn’t have to have a reason for it.”

Dream-love feels good for the moment…maybe even after waking, but it’s pretty much depressing when you wake–especially if you thought it was real… :neutral:

Well, The only person I’ve acutally loved in a dream was the person I love in RL … o.0

found the perfect girl, someone who seems to be my soulmate…and then I wake up, definetly a very awful feeling, but in a way it is a hopeful feeling, the idea that I could someday meet my “dream girl”

Okay, this ticked me off!!!

Even if it is in a dream, If you love a DC that much, it must be real somehow!! Don’t feel ripped off, just dream it again :content: