Dream love

I have a DC i love at the moment but i dont wake up all depressed, i wake up and feel happy that i’ve see her in my dreams…every time i see her a rush of sensation comes over me and when i wake up i just cant wait till the next time i meet her…i usually play guitar when this happens and try to find a riff that suits how i feel at that moment…

It seems dream love has once again decided to invade my dreams.

It was with someone I totally felt comfortable with. It wasn’t that Love where you’re all goo-goo gah-gah but respect, admiration, comfort and of course sexual attraction and not to forget the feeling of being your own individual… it was very very nice.

:happy: I have so many ‘dream love’ stories to tell, but I’ll start with just one for now…

Her name is Jessica Z (just ‘Z’). She told me in my dream that she’s my dream-guide and told me a lot about the dream universe. She taught me about the structure and hierarchial powers of the dream universe–everything…

(Mind you, this was in a dream :tongue:)

But, it was in this one dream where she met me after school and I had my friend ride my bike to my house while I walked and talked with her. She was telling me more about the dream universe when we slipped off into this forest–well…:content:–feelings for each other came out and–:cloud9:–you fill in the rest…

Not too detailed, but I was trying to keep it short and just cut straight to the point, you know. Yeah, I woke up and was like, “Damn…” but I said, “I’ll see her again.” It makes me wish I could live in my dreams–sometimes I even pray, “Please let me get stuck in my dream.” Haha! :smile:

Well, that’s about it–for now…:wink:

Well, yeah I did, a couple of times, but they were (almost) all before I started writing my DJ…

reaches for DJ


"[…]I looked to my right, and there I saw an imaginary DC, a girl, which apparently I had always known. She had seen what happened and told me she wanted to accompany me (I was about to leave in my own spaceship to save my dad), and I told her she could come. We traveled through galaxies, shooting down all the enemy spaceships we could find, until we had finally found the one in which my dad was being held. We started shooting it, but it was too powerful, and it shot me down…

I woke up (in the dream), and I was in a black nothingness… I walked around, shouting for someone to hear me, when I sensed something grab my arm. I turned around, and the girl DC was looking at me."

One thing I hadn’t mentionned (for I felt it wasn’t important) is the emotional link I could feel between the both of us, and the love I felt for her…It was a most amazing feeling, but a bit disturbing as well since I had “always known her” and I got scared of breaking our friendship… :bored:

I have Been Deeply In love in a dream, it still is one of the best dreams ive ever had. It was incredible how much emotion a dream can cause.

Ain’t it the truth :wink:.

:smile: Years ago I had 2 different recurring dream lover DCs. The dreams were not erotic. Instead we would hold hands or embrace, and I would have wonderful feelings of joy. :smile:

Then I started being in relationships IRL. Then I no longer dreamed of those DCs :bored:

I have experienced some similarly ecstatic states through meditation. But I had no control over when they would occur, they were spontaneous gifts.

In the last few years I’ve had rare dreams of children that radiate love. C.G. Jung talks about the archetype of the divine child in dreams. The experience is great. Simply being in their presence gives joy.

Hope everyone who reads this thread has more great dreams that lift your spirits and open your hearts.

I’ve had people I’ve had very strong feelings for in dreams. (People from IRL, though I don’t feel anything for them outside Lala Land) Nothing erotic, like Asclepius said, just holding hands and all. :love:

Haven’t had one in a long time though. =/ (Or I would have written it down)

I don’t have erotic dreams. :grin:

Really? :eh: Amazing…:eek:

Oh, hey! :happy: I’m back again. :wave: Okay, here’s THIS…it’s the last dream posted on the page

Haha! :happy: It was cool…until I woke up. :sad:

Yes I have. It hurts to wake up from those dreams, because you realize they were just dreams and you will miss the character.

I agree Darxide–let me put it to the guys this way…

Say you’re having a really good dream (let’s just say you’re semi-lucid, but still deceived into believing it’s RL)…now say you’re really havin’ a great time chillin’ with THIS GIRL (yes, I give you my permission, but only for LD purposes)…then you wake up after a very intimate moment…

Capture that feeling–bottle it, store it, sell it–whatever…it’s a very sad feeling :sad: …and yet, you know that you’ll have more dreams like them–some even better… :wink:

I once fell in love in a dream … it was nice

next day was messed up though


I’m a girl and I’ve had fallen in love with guys in my dream, even spike from buffy the vampire slayer and I’ve even had dreams where I met a guy I don’t know in real life just the dream and it was like I’ve known him in real life. I never even had a boyfriend and when I did it wasn’t really a real relationship in my opinion or enough to really know what it’s like to have a boyfriend and in my dreams I would automatically fall in love, I didn’t have to tell him, we just knew we were bolth in love and he’d hold and stuff and then I’d wake up and be all like, wah! Realizing it was a dream, and feel upset for a min, then I move on and hope that maybe someday I can meet that person again in an LD. Of course now I don’t watch Buffy anymore. It’s gotten a bit too weird for me but there was another guy I really liked in my dreams and I forgot about him too and what he looks like.

I had to re edit my post becuase I think it sounded funky the first time I wrote it, didn’t make sence.

Wow yeah dream love is just awesome.
i have a freind that i already “liked” but after dreaming about her im now officially obsessed :razz:
What can i say im a sucker for love :happy:

i remember this one dream i was in love with this gril and i was seeing it as a montage lol and i felt like love was us it was awesome… but it wasnt good to wake up

I’ve fallen in love with a few DC’s as well as loved real people or fictional characters from real life (like characters from movies or tv shows) in dreams. Mostly with the latter, it’s more of a friendship kind of love. But there is flirting and I hug people a lot :razz: It seems that the ultimate display of affection in my subconcious is ‘playing’ with people. Like the running around and having fun sort, like hide and seek and stuff.

There is one DC in particular though who re-occurs and who I love. I’ve been dreaming about him for years. Although in my dreams, I am usually a different person. She is me, but she doesn’t look like me and has a different name. And she’s younger, she seems perpetually around 13-14. Which is odd because the DC in question is way older than her. Although he first appeared as a younger version of himself. Now he usually is middle-aged. Although he’s not a human. He’s a ghost or monster of sorts… who can shapeshift. He’s very much like a Wendigo, except less evil :tongue: Also my dream alter ego is dead - some kind of ghost - but still mostly human. So anyway, me and him are married but our relationship is far from normal, it’s almost as if we literally belong to one another as if we’re two parts of a whole. It’s not at all like a normal human relationship and doesn’t really interfere with any RL interests I have. It also doesn’t make me sad when I wake up because I consider him to be real in some sense, mostly because he insists that he is. I guess the age difference is not all that odd considering in the ‘dream reality’ him and I are probably both hundreds of years old. (We both seem to originate from the victorian era considering the way we dress and the appearance of our house and how everyone talks and acts)

Sometimes I wonder what a psychologist would say about all this. :wink:

:hyper: monsterfeets, I definitely would like to read some of your dreams one day :smile:

I Never

Well, that past dream I had about :moogle: seemed pretty serious…:uh: But instead of feeling angst when I woke up, I was like, “Wth!?” :unk:

:rofl: /me is still waiting to read it, she hopes it isn’t too late at night…
/me doesn’t want to wake up all the neighbours due to my laughter :lol: