In some of my dreams I have dream memories and I was wondering if anybody else experiences anything similar. Its a bit hard to explain, but I’ll try…
When i’m dreaming (non LD) I sometimes remeber things, places been, people met etc… that arn’t really real. There actually from another dream i’ve had before. But in my dream I belive these memories to be perfectly real.
For example, I’ll be walking down a road near some hills, and i’ll pass a footpath sign pointing up the hill. And i’ll remember walking up the hill on the footpath, in the snow, and if i follow the path i will eventually get to a train station. But I decide i’m to busy to do walk up so I keep going on the road.
The thing is, the entire memory is just another dream I’ve perviously had (usually more than once, in which case I may remeber walking up the hill on several different occasions!). If I have a dream in which I have dream memories its helps to almost strengthen the current dream.(I wonder if thats makes lucidity harder or easier?).
My brother has an almost opposite experience, in his dreams, when he thinks about dreams he has had, all his dreams are actaully real life memories. Which confuses him when he remebers his dreams in real life.
Has anybody else got any similar experiences, or ideas about how this may effect lucidity??
Next time in your dream, when you remember dream memories, try to remember that “oh, these are just the dream memories I always have when I dream” and the next thing that comes to your mind is propably “I must be dreaming!”
I know exactly what you mean. Months ago I had a dream in which I remembered walking down this highway to get to a pond. These memories of a dream that occurred months before triggered a new dream with the same setting. Only in the new dream I decided not to go to the pond because I didn’t have anyone to go with.
I think it’s actually harder for you to become lucid if you have dream memories, becuase you can actually remember things? So you’ll believe that what you remember is real, and they co-exist with your current dream, so you’ll also think that your current dream is real.
But if he remembers that “wait a minute, I’ve never done this in real life, these must be those dream memories I always have”
Those dream memories are his dreamsigns, something that is common in his dreams. He just have to learn to recognize those dreamsigns and then when he remembers his dreamsigns and experiences those dreamsigs, he would go lucid.
I know what you mean ToranArkwood. Odd isn’t it? I’ve had a few dreams recently (non-lucid) in which I again remember dreams I had months ago. I hope to find a way to trigger lucidity with them. More suggestions?
I have had similar experiences. In my dreams, the sum of all dream memories would be what my dreaming self would call “reality”- while actual real life memories (while dreaming) seem dreamlike. It is almost like my dreaming self is the yang to my real life yin. It is difficult to use these “dream memories” as reality checks because at the time of dreaming, they are not identified as such- they are considered to be reality. One way would be to use memory itself as a generalized reality check such as “whenever I remember anything, I will perform a reality check”. However, I imagine that this would be too excessive and hard to implement consistently.
Yes, this happens to me occaisonally, but it hasn’t led to lucidity yet. I do get a seriously creepy feeling after I wake up though, sorta makes me doubt the structure of reality for a moment.
Thanks for all your ideas, and its good to know i’m not the only one with dream memories.
But I have a sinking feeling that this may infact make lucidity harder. If the dream memories make the dream more real, it’ll presumably be harder for me to induce lucidity because it’ll be harder for me to belive its a dream.
There are many places I have visited on more than one occasion in my dreams. One that I remember is my “dream-NYC”. I’ve never been to NYC before, but I’ve dreamt I was there. It was very unlike any of the pictures of movies I’ve seen of NYC. It was more like a very desolate version of the Tottenham Ct Road area of London, England, but still very different. (I used to live in London.) But anyways, whenever I go to that place in my dreams, I find myself thinking, “I’m in New York.”
As was mentioned in an earlier post, realizing this would probably be a very effective LD catalyst, if you would.
Dream Memories are very common in my normal dreams, and it’s very weird to just wake up and think; ‘wait, I’ve never done that in my life, i haven’t even dreamt that before in my life!’ But then again, there is a little something in my dreams that seperates real memories and dream memories. Maybe thet little something can be a LD initiator, who knows!