
Last night I had the weirdest sensation…

I was laying there, somewhere between the waking world and the dream world, and suddenly I realize I’m floating up, then it seems a lot more harsh, as if I’m being yaked by the head. This completely freaks me out and is acctually quite painful. All my muscels were very tense and as my stomach was lifting it felt like it was twisting because it was stuck in something. I felt really light, but since i was really scared I wiggled and clenched my fists and eyelids shut, and attempted to pull myself back down, which I did fairly quickly, almost like a snap, but not quite.

so… tell me… wtf?

(rarg, I’m going to bed so I probably won’t respond to any questions till mornin’ )

sounds just like hypnagogic sensations of some sort, i’ve felt similar things where i’ve felt raindrops hitting my body or my body has floated around my room and such… but never any type of pain. that’s what it sounds like to me, i know people feel strange sensations sometimes during the transfer from waking to dreaming

Did you experience a WILD before? If you did, what was the difference with a normal WILD?

uh I’ve WILD before.I just saw lots of pictures and really didn’t feel any sensations.

Hey Keys and Clocks, your experience would be called by many “believers” to be a spontaneous OBE, however I am a bit more sceptical and would first try to explain this by pointing in the same direction as CCHawk did. The transitional phase between wake and sleep is a weird moment to be aware for sure, all kinds weird stuff happens there. If you follow this forum a bit you will notice many questions are related to this phenomenon.

The one thing that convinces me in the first place that these experiences are “mere dreams”, is that this is exactly what happens if you were to enter a dream from a semi waking state, but you dont notice. Your brain then recreates an image of your room (often near 100% correct), while you think you are still somewhat awake. Dreams are always heavily dependand on your expectations, so if you expect to be awake and in your room, you will be. Floating around is often reported in such cases (gravity doesnt seem to work that well in dreams :razz:).

sounds like an OBE however i do like Xetrov’s description

about them being “mere dreams” im not so sure though because there’s a difference in frequency and state, when your in the twilight state (between sleep/wake), and when your actually sleeping fully, and dreaming.

So honestly sounds like you almost concsiously emitted a concsiousness of some sort into the Astral or similar plane but didnt have much success mainly due to your fear.


I wouldn’t have, if I had been expecting it, I definately think that people have had OOBE, I’m not sure whether or not this was one though, just because of a few things that seemed against it such as… I think you’re supposed to be able to see through your eyelids, bit I was able to close them. And I’m not sure if it was SP because I easily could move myself and at no point during the experience did I feel paralysed. (Sorry my spelling sucks today… don’t think I’ve spelled most of that right. ) So I was interested in seeing what other people thought. Personally I have the slightest of ideas.

I’ve had a similar experience that’s quite scary, it has happened like three or for times now…
I lie in my bed trying to WILD, when I succeeded once before, I had an itch on my leg that keept my mind awake but my body went asleep.
The thing Im talking about now is a slight feeling of beeing wet on my left template, then it feels like it’s sliding down towards my cheek, after that I get a small pain on my left temple where the wet feeling started, then it just get’s more and more intense until I can’t lie still anymore, and that realy hurts.
dunno what that is but it’s a bit scary when it happens…
You guys think it’s the same thing as for “Keys and Clocks”

Keys and Clocks: Yes you are able to see through your eyelids in an OBE however it doesnt mean you always do. In my first concsious OBE I left my eyes shut and did not see through my eyelids (because I didn’t want to too from being scared). You can even see through your eyelids in an LD.
About not feeling paralysed, it depends in the circumstance of your concsiousness and your physical body, sometimes I am also able to move physically if i want to because my physical body is not actually fully asleep… i mean… your physical body probably wasn’t at that point where it is int he paralysed state… I mean, its possible.
But ofcourse its difficult to say exactly what occured to you…
Tell me, was it while drifting off to sleep that it occured? or upon waking up? Or sometime in the middle of the night you kinda ‘woke up’?
Anyway in this twilight (inbetween) state if you stay or become concsious, always expect for something bizaar or crazy thing to happen, or to see something funny, etc.

Eldoras: I’m not sure exactly what you mean by this ‘wet’ feeling. but the fact that you say it was on your temple makes it also sound like you might have been somewhat, exerting yourself into your concsiousness outside of your physical body… well, not exactly, but your conciousness possibly was attempting to rip out of yourself,
Im not too sure on this one ive never felt a ‘wet’ feeling in my OBE’s but it could have been some energy reaction.
The only other explanation I can think of is that you had some sweat drip down (sometimes we sweat in our sleep, depending on how hot it is, how hot we are), and you felt it, and this made you stay awake (in your mind),
Then you felt this pain.

Can you describe this ‘pain’ you had, any better?
Most likely, if you stayed relaxed and allowed this pain to proceed (i know sometimes its hard to), slowly you could have emerged your concsiousness out of your physical body into another (astral?) plane.


Im not saying OBE’s aren’t possible. Just that 99.99% of the cases from WILD, sleep, trance, whatever are not realy OBE’s in the traditional sense of the word, because they are all dream related phenomena. Few cases of “real” OBE’s are instances of NDE and OBE’s induced from beyond deep sleep (very hard to do!). Problem with accepting this for many people is that they WANT to have OBE’s SOOO badly that anything they can get that looks like it is labelled OBE.

Stranger, The “wet feeling” is just the feeling of beeing wet on my left temple, like it’s water there.
The first time I felt it, I moved my hand to the temple but I couldn’t feel any sweat/water or anything there…after that I thought that it must’ve been a HI or something like it, but the next time I had that pain…
If I get it again, I’ll try to just let it be and to not focus on the pain and I’ll let you know if I get an LD or something simillar…

Xetrov: It depends what you label as an OBE. Some people might think an out of body experience to be a full out of body projection of the spirit into the physical (which yeah it is), some might think of it as simply having exited their concsiousness into the Astral plane (yes where we have a lot of our dreams).
You might say if thats the case, we are having OBE’s every night we sleep. Well that is true IMHO, i believe we are in a different place when we have a lot of our dreams (not all). And to concsiously be aware while exiting into this other place, other state of mind, is a concsious OBE.
So maybe they should make a distinction between the 2, so we dont call them both “OBE’s”, even though they are both OBE’s in one sense. One is a complete OBE the other is a form of OBE.

Eldoras: I see what you mean now, possibly you were in that state of mind, between sleep and awake. Yes next time it happens try go with the flow, and yeah let me know how it goes:)

No, sorry. I refuse to call that OBE’s stranger. Let me explain this by making an analogy. If you claim that having awareness of astral phenomena is being OBE (because the astral is beyond our physical body), then being aware of any phenomenon, including physical ones, should be OBE. Consciousness is consciousness, wether it’s focussed on an astral phenomenon or a physical one, like a car driving by.

To be aware of an astral phenomenon, you use your astral senses. To be aware of a physical phenomenon, you use your physical senses. Now where’s the difference to call one OBE and the other not? Once you become spiritually aware, you dont make the distinction anymore.

I get what you mean but dont agree.
I don’t believe that it all occurs inside the physical body.
The difference to call one OBE and the other not? Well when I say OBE I mean out of physical body, experience…
and i do under my own experiences, readings, and things ive been taught, believe that the Astral plane is not something located inside the physical body. Maybe we can sense it, or percieve it from inside the physical, but we cannot fully explore it unless we enter it.

Your right when you say to be aware of astral phenomenon, you use your astral senses.

Im not saying that having awareness of astral phenomena is being OBE, im saying that if you project concsiously into the astral (or you find yourself in it, or you are in it unconcsiously for that matter), you are having a form of OBE.

And I believe a lot of dreams, as I said, are already based in the astral plane, but not all, definitely not all.

For example I have had dreams, where im lucid, enjoying the dream, and suddenly I feel myself rip out of my physical body and enter the Astral plane. An intense, real feeling, that I always feel when projecting. So this shows im already in one state of mind, and entering another. And when this occurs I already feel that im in a slightly more aware, higher, state. (even if its not such a ‘high’ state, that is, astral).

You might say that this is the process of changing dreams, when this occurs (when i get this sensation during a current dream im having), but I don’t think it is because I’ve been aware plenty of times during a dream change and it doesn’t occur this way, especially with the ripping out of the body part.
And i dont call on this to happen, or even expect it to happen, it just happens while im concsious.

Concsiousness is concsiousness as you say, wether your using your physical senses or your astral senses.

I don’t believe the astral plane is located within the physical body when sleeping which seems to be your idea, I believe EVERYTHING, (astral, physical, mental, etc.) are all in the mind, but dont believe that unique astral journeys take place while in the physical body.

And as I said, this is assuming an OBE is a journey beyond the physical body… in one sense or another…
and as I said i dont believe these to be complete OBEs, but a form of OBE.

Yeah well. Definitions and stuff, if I have to explain this fully i’d talk for ages. Let’s stick to our respective opinions :smile:.
