
Is it possible to see things from a 3rd-person-view in a dream?
I belive i do that in many of my dreams. But i´m not sure.
But i am sure that i have dreamt in first-person-view.

Is there anyone else dreaming in 3rd-person?

I have never done it presonaly, but it is very possible. I have heard many people who have done this.

I am not sure who would be controlling you though.

I have seen some scenes in 3rd person, but it’s very rare. I always dream in first person and the I might see a short scene in 3rd person and then go back to first person or I might wake up :tongue:

Sometimes I dream in 3rd person, the dream is like watching TV or a movie.

There are many people here that have mentioned that they “only” dream in 3rd person :happy:

I guess it just depends on your outlook.

I spend most of my imagining and light dreaming seeing myself in third person, always from behind like you would see in a game like Hitman or the like. I always find it really frustrating and try to make myself be in first person, but its difficult and lasts only a second or two, then it will go back to third person. I’m used to it now. And I have always been able to control myself perfectly fine. I still feel everything normally and know exactly what im doing even though my body may say block the view of my hands or some such. When I’m actually dreaming or Lucid Dreaming, it’s all first person.

I’ve never been able to figure out why.

I often dream the same way (3rd person). At one time it was happening so often that when I realized I was dreaming I just sat back and watched the whole dream. I would sometimes stop it during a particular part that had my curiousity and zoom in/out. Or just step in and walk around the characters. Once I even stopped it when I saw myself. I was completely freaked and ended up waking myself up.

I’m not really sure. From my lucid dreams I know that I dream in 1st person, but I usually don’t remember my dreams as “movies” with a 1st-person POV but sort of more 3d.

It’s the same with memories. I don’t remember things from my personal 1st person point of view, but rather as if I have been a spectator the whole time.
I know where I was in a room, where other people were and it’s more like I’m watching myself from the side.

I always thought this was pretty normal, … isn’t it? Does anyone remember their dreams or real experiences exactly as you saw it, from a 1st-person POV?

So, what I wanted to say is that maybe you dream in 1st-person but remember it in 3rd-person. (Although of course there are dreams that really are 3rd-person-dreams)

A lot of my dreams are in 3rd person. Some are liking watching a game or TV as others have said. One particular dream was actually narrated too :tongue: But not all my 3rd person dreams are like that. I just see my dream self from the side most of the time.

My (only) LD was in 1st person though.

I usually have 3 different kinds of perspectives:

  1. First person…I’d say 80% of my dreams are 1st Person. There may be an ocassional scene or two in 3rd person.

  2. 3rd Person omniscient - I’m basically watching a TV show or film.

  3. First Person removed - I’m actually in the middle of the dream environment, but I’m not really participating in the story. I feel like an invisible spectator.

Funky huh?

I dream in 3rd person occasionally, but 95% of the time it’s in 1st person. I think I read something about somebody who’s view was 3rd person, but everything else was as if it was 1st person. Like s/he could see himself from a vantage point, (not sure if I used that word right…) but could still feel and move his/her body like normal.