Are (or were) some people there invested in a dream quest ?
By dream quest, I mean a long-term or mid-term project, where you have to find some clues, meet dream characters, explore dream worlds, etc. in many successive dreams, in order to answer a question or complete an experiment ?
In my own case, I’m trying to find what to do with my life. I didn’t find any solutions in wake state, so I’m trying now in LD.
thats an interesting topic. ive had dream quests where i try and escape…if that counts. For instance…last night…i had a nightmare where i could control, but i didnt know i was dreaming. Anyways…i broke in to a house and the owner of it woke up and started chasing me with a shotgun and i had to escape. it was…scary.
Hmmm ? That’s not a dream quest ! Was my definition so unclear ?
Do you mean something like were everyone here (or just a few ^-^) asks for example their DCs or spiritual guides a question, like “What happens after death?” or “What was here before the universe?” and then we compare our answers?
If so, there already are topics on DreamQuests like that.
It sound like you are talking about what the American Indians call a vision quest where they enter an altered state and speak with their ancestors and gods.
I think there are people who do similar things with their lucid dreams. You can search the forum for various spiritual threads to see if any of them are along the lines of what you are talking about.
Yes I do believe that you can use your lucid dreams to help you get in touch with yourself , explore solutions to problems, and even gain insight about choices you face in your waking life. I used to do that when I first started lucid dreaming.
To be honest now days my lucid dreams have become more of a playground for me rather then a spiritual (for lack of a better term) exercise.
Sleep with my Dreamguide…does it count?
Spacecheese : yes it could be something like that. Like finding one’s dream guide first, and once you found him, ask a very important question, like … hmmm… [color=indigo]* lucid dreamer searches intensely[/color]… “What will be the weather tomorrow ?”
Of course, it’s possible that a dream quest could be shared. But in my first idea, I saw that more like something very personnal, so you don’t have to compare your results.
Milod789 : I didn’t know anything about American natives’ vision quest. It could be something like that, but in your lucid dreams.
Jack : it depends… is your dream guide a real person ?
Did you really find that on the LD4all forum ? I can’t !
I know I did not say anything close to that. What I said was:
I know that there are some threads where people talk about getting and meeting their spirit guides and similar things. I was just trying to point you to people who might be more capable of answering your question than I.
I am a bit off topic here but:
I have had the great pleasure of knowing a few American Indians and most prefer that term to American Natives. Being part of a minority group myself I know how condescending it is to have “labels” imposed by others in the name of “sensitivity”. Anyway, just wanted to correct your political correctness.
Oops ! Sorry ! I would have think that they would prefer not be called Indians… cause they don’t come from India.
Basilus West, have you checked out the Sea Life message board? It seems they do dream quest-like stuff there. You’ll find the link on the top right of the page.
Basilus West, are you thinking about a real sort of question with a real sort of answer? If not, I’m sure somebody would be happy to sort of make up a quest for you as they go along. Somewhat like Dungeons and Dragons .
And Jack, um… well… what do you mean?
Argghhh ! There must be definitively a problem in my terminology !
By quest, I mean : searching some precise information, some people, or a particular object in your dreams.
Generally, you feel you have to do it yourself, because it’s something personnal. But, you’re right, this quest could possibly be shared. For instance, when Q asks for the new layout of LD4all.
Some possible quests could be :
- searching your dream guide ( only you can find him )
- searching the Holy Grail
- searching to share a dream with somebody
- searching your totem animal
- searching a plot for a novel
- learning a skill you could use IRL
and so on.
Am I clear ? If so, I ask it again : are you doing something like that ( … like a “dream quest” ? … )
I think I understand what you mean, and yeah I’d like some dream clues to tell me what to do with my life. Choosing uni courses is hard, can’t a dream character just do it?! …this course looks really interesting-
but I dont know whether I want to do something more general. :-/
The problem is that I’ve been sleeping really badly recently and I’m having problems even with dream recall. But I’m going to get some melatonin and hopefully have some more LD’s
In summary: Yeah I’d like to be able to learn things from my dreams.
I think to a certain extent everyone does so. Even if you use lucid dreaming strictly for entertainment or fantasy fulfillment you are you are experiencing something that you may be lacking in your real life. In my opinion it is all an exploration of your inner self.
However, I think you are talking about something more deeper than that. Like if you have a specific question that relates to real life. I believe you can do so. This site is a living example of that. As I understand it the inspiration for the format of ld4all came from Q’ s dreams.