I have been wroking towards LD intensly for about a week now. The first few days of interest I couldn’t even remember a single dream therefore i would have nothing to write about. After the fourth day I remembered 4 dreams. But all of them were AFTER I woke up. None of them did I even feel any reality in. It was like all of them were after the fact. How long did it take some of you experts out there to improve the visual/reality aspects of dreams. Is the overall improvement and realization of dreaming lucidity? Finally what is the difference if there is one, between lucid dreaming and directive dreaming?
unfortunately i’m not an expert, but i do know that its different for each person, but when i had my first lucid dream it was already very real. in fact it was the exact same as I was awake. dont know what directive dreaming is but if it means what i think it means i’d say there is no difference, to some degree.
So how do you enhance overall clarity. I have heard there are some things you can dop like spinning or yelling or things like that which can enhance it to some degree. Whats your experience?
well for me at least, whenever i have lucid moments or a lucid dream… it instantly becomes insanely clear , i mean, it is so real you just can’t stop being amazed by it.
after a while of writing in my dream journal my regular dreams became more vivid by the day. they also seemed more like i was directly in them instead of just remembering the fact i had them. so if you keep up with journal writing and an intent to remember your dreams, they should get clearer and more directive. then you’ll just be that much closer to lucid dreaming, which is more clear than any regular dreams you’ll have! well, in my experience anyway.
I got sort of fascinated by recall during the day because during those confusing moments I can’t remember if what I’m remembering happened IRL or in a dream. When you’re confused like that, it makes a great reality check. Also, one of the ways I was getting lucid the most was realizing (in my dream) that everything was pretty real, but a little out of order. The late dream recall was helping me with that, I think.