Dream Recall, how does this work?

I have read about Dream Recall I know it’s important to have a vast dream recall. The reason is so that you can essentially pull yourself back into these dreams? Now if that is wrong then that would explain my confusion on the topic :content:

Assuming that information is correct, I am confused as to how this actually works. I currently have 3 dreams logged in the past 3 nights (Just found out about LDing) and they are all in the same place, which is the High School I graduated from.

I guess the real question is, how do I “go back” into these dreams using WILD? Is it possible?

Moved from General Lucidness. :dragon:

I have reading, studying, and absrbing all the information I can acquire since I began this last month, so maybe I can help. Just to be clear, my dream recall is still growing to a workable level, and I’m still new myself, so if I give incorrect info, someone please correct me.

Dream recall is not only important to re-enter dreams, but to help remember your moments of lucidity. It would be bad if you had a lucid dream, but you couldn’t remember all the awesome things you were able to do.

To touch on your second point about re-entering a favorite dream or scenario, I would suggest dream incubation, or simply focusing on the subject or dream as you go back to sleep.

I hope I was helpful, and again, if I give out bad info, someone please correct me.

As kitsun313 said, you need dream recall to remember your lucid dreams. I also think you learn to recognize a dream by having dream recall, making it easier to become lucid.

In addition to what kitsun313 has already said, the point of improving DR is to familiarise yourself with your dreams and notice any recurring dream signs you may have, which seems to be your High School.

Because you keep going there, you could try MILD by telling yourself that you’ll realise your dreaming whenever you see your High School

Ahhh ok that makes a bit more sense than what I thought, however wouldn’t it be cool if you could just teleport in to a dream by thinking about it when you are relaxed enough? I think it would :tongue:

I agree, it totally would :happy:. Technically if you wake up after having been in REM sleep for a while, you can use a WILD technique to enter an LD in a few minutes, and then do whatever from there. For most people that does take some practice though.

As has been mentioned, a primary use of dream recall is to identify dream signs.
One technique that works for me is to do RC’s when I recognize a dream sign IRL (be it a location, object, person, etc). If you get into the habit of doing that, there’s a good chance you’ll do an RC when you encounter it in a dream as well.
Not all dream signs exist IRL, but obviously places like your old high school do, so the technique be may be useful :smile: .

Would be so much easier if I still went to the school :happy: Today I drove by is and did a couple RC’s (I’ve been making a habit of doing multiple). Thanks for all the replies everyone you really helped a newbie out! :wink: