In the past week I haven’t had really any dream recall at all. There was the odd very very small thing I could remember but nothing much.
What’s a good way to improve dream recall?
I suppose going to bed early would be a start…
In the past week I haven’t had really any dream recall at all. There was the odd very very small thing I could remember but nothing much.
What’s a good way to improve dream recall?
I suppose going to bed early would be a start…
You’re lucky We just have had a complete discussion on this topic here :
[url]Dream Recall]
Going to bed early has no influence on my dream recall. Of course, if I’m going to bed very late and my alarm wakes me up, it will be bad…
If you sleep longer, you will ofcourse dream more, so with a bit of luck there’s more chance of remembering a dream fragment. But that’s different for everyone…
You can raise dream recall easily if you keep sending a message to your sub-c that you WANT to remember them. Keep repeating that wish right before falling asleep, or even during the day if you wish. And when you wake up in the morning, don’t move too much and take your time to dig up those dream memories.
It may not work the first time, but if you keep strengthening your wish everyday, dream recall will improve in time. For me, improving dream recall simply by the power of intention is still the best method in the long term.