I found this to be pretty weird that last night I was explaining a movie to my brother in my dream. However, the movie that I was explaining was a very long, vivid dream I had a long time ago. I realized in my subconcious that the book I was describing was a dream from long ago, but this didn’t seem to affect my awareness or lucidity in the dream unfortunately.
So has anyone else ever recalled a dream inside of a dream before? I never even heard of people doing this before. I am pretty disturbed that I noticed ANOTHER dream sign about dreaming, but didn’t do a RC or go lucid . I really need some help with dream signs . I’ve noticed way too many obvious dream signs fly by like nothing.
I did that the other night o_o I had a dream inside a dream where I had a sleepover with friends, went to sleep, had a dream, and then talking about it to my friends in my dream =P
If it makes you feel better, I miss obvious dreamsigns all the time! Sometimes I become lucid for no apparent reason; perhaps I’ve just been in dreamtime long enough for that “awake” part of my brain to connect with the dreaming part.
On one occasion, I went lucid and was able to completely transport myself from the current dream scene to a dream scene from another, non-lucid dream. Really cool … but it’s only happened once!
I’ve had it a couple of times that in a dream, I recalled a dream I had the night before, or even the same night, or sometimes weeks before. This usually occurs when I’m dreaming of a very much real-life situation, such as being in school or sitting at home talking to family members. In one strange dream, I was working with a 3D modelling program at school, and I modelled the image of a dream I had the night before. o_O;
In another instance, I was having FA’s, and at about the third FA I walked up to my mom and told her ‘Keep me awake, because I keep dreaming and I can’t wake up’ (whilst thinking that was happening for real, until I ‘fell asleep’ in an FA, went back into a dream, woke up, FA again… and so on) but I don’t know if that’s what you mean. ^^
I have many obvious dreamsigns too that I pass by… one actually existed of BIG RED LETTERS in the sky saying ‘WAKE UP’. D’oh! I think it’s about Lucid Living and such - you pass them by because your mind isn’t lucid or aware enough, and still accepts dreams as reality, even dreamsigns. I suppose practice could help, but I also think it happens to the best of us (well, maybe not THE best). I guess that’s why RC’s are important, and being aware of your surroundings during real life.
the term ‘real life’ always bothers me… as if dreams were less real… as if this reality is absolutely the only one…
This is yet another reason I recommend WBTB. For me, most nights when I wake up periodically and return to sleep, I almost always reenter the same dream, or have a different one in which I’m thinking about the dreams I had earlier that night. Frequently this causes me to work out that I’m dreaming, and seems to provide a very effective opportunity to become lucid.
Don’t be lazy, wake yourself up every hour or so after the first 5, and you’ll see what I mean.
Huge skill ? When you are lucid, you can’t recall your dreams you’ve had before ? I have offent said “when I go through this door, I’ll end up in …” and ended up in the previous dream or so. If you think enough about the dream, and ofcause can recall your dreams, you should (?) be able to remember them while LD’ing …
Edit: Havn’t you tried sleeping with the TV on, and you end up in the movie or something alike ?