Dream recall... Then dream control :P

Hey Ld4all. Stopped ld’ing almost a year ago, and I had a real interesting dream yesterday which kinda reminded me how awesome dreams are. So I need to get back on track. My dream recall since I used to practice ld’ing daily has gone :razz:
I remember 1 dream per week, and only small segments of it.

I’ve been on exams these past few weeks but they’re almost over, so I’ll have plenty of times for WBTB’s and MILD’s :smile:

So, what I mean is, what are the best ways to get straight back to remembering daily dreams or more, or just general ways of increasing DR?


When you go back to bed, try using mantras.
And then when you wake up, don’t just get up the same second you wake up.Stay in that position for a while, that improves DR

There’s always the DJ, but I don’t think it will be necessary for you.

Usually I find when my recall has gone, that if I spend about 20-30 minutes before sleeping, thinking about my intention to recall my dreams. Reinforcing that I used to do it before, I can do it again, it’s all in my head I just need to remember to think about it as soon as I wake, etc, etc. My recall picks up very quickly. I do find it’s very important to write down and engage with the dreams I recall though, even if it is only a few small fragments, otherwise I slip back into the habit of forgetting.