dream recall tips

Hi guys
Anyone got any tips for setting the intent to awake from my dreams and remember them. I use auto suggestion but its not working. An alarm clock is out of the question as I share a bed.
Thanks people!

I don’t know a whole lot about autosuggestion, as I don’t use it myself.

But if you want to increase recall…dream journal! Just write down all your dreams, in full detail, as soon as you awake. Your recall will go up very quickly.

Yeah but don’t you have to wake up whilst your dreaming?

You’re over-thinking it.

Just be sure to write everything you can remember from your dreams, upon waking.

Using an alarm clock to wake up would be a bad idea, it makes remembering your dreams very difficult.

And also, when you do wake up, try to remain as still as possible. It helps with dream recall as well.

Waking up whilst in the dream makes it very easy to recall the content. But you can recall dreams after you have left the REM period.

Just set the intention to remember your dreams before going to sleep. Then upon waking, lie quietly and catch those wispy dream memories and then travel backwards and forwards along the dreamline until you remember as much as possible. Afterwards write what you remember down right away.

I keep a small notepad underneath my pillow with a pen inside of it. then in the morning when i wake up. i lie there and try to stay still and slowly reach underneath my pillow and grab my notepad and then i begin to write down my dreams. quickly jot down the major ones that are at the front of you mind. then let your brain scan for those small dream fragments that are very vague. I do all this while laying on my side and never moving (only my hand to write). Also i would suggest you lay like this for quite some time. just write everything in the present tense “I am walking down a street” “I am in class talking to my friend” this i think makes the dream more alive instead of saying “I remember talking to someone” or “I was doing climbing a tree” also what i think is cool is to try to recall what dream characters said exactly, their exact words and write those down. Its cool when you are lying there for a while and a dream memory just POPS up out of nowhere and your like “Oh yeah i forgot all about that one!” but anyways good luck with your dream recall :smile: