I’ve been keeping a dream journal for about 5 days and can’t remember very much. 2 nights i have no recall. the first night i remembered 5 different dreams[well fragments] (two of them not until the middle of the day) and the other two nights it is just fragments of 1 or two dreams. How can i remember more than just fragments? The fragments are like 5 seconds.
I’ve been trying wild in the middle of then night and early in the morning but I just fall asleep or only my arms and 1 leg will go partially into SP after an hour and no HH come. I know that when I fall asleep I am not conscious enough but why wont SP come? I don’t move and take deep breaths and say 1 I will lucidly dream 2… Is there a better way to relax and why isn’t SP coming faster? Most websites say 10-20 minutes.
Oh and one other thing. I only lucid dreamed once on accident. It was new years eve and i stayed up till like 12:30 and wasn’t trying because i was on vacation with the rest of my family in my hotel room (my siblings are loud.) Then I was dreaming and all of a sudden I knew I was dreaming without a reality check or anything, I just new. I have been trying alot so was that dream at all related to trying to lucid dream or would it have happened anyways. It was a good thing though because i learned the importance of remembering to stay lucid because I forgot to. And i didnt remember until later in the morning.
and maybe this will help but when i remembered 5 dreams i had melatonin
Double posts edited together.
1- Many things can influence DR, and it’s also something you practice and get better at. As soon as you wake up, stay still as much as possible and try to remember what you dreamed about. Even if you don’t remember anything, give it a few minutes as sometimes things will just pop into your head out of nowhere. You can also help by thinking about different people and places (specially ones that appear frequently in your dreams, but as you said your DR isn’t great, this comes later ). Just think about, say, you family, or close friends and wonder “did I dream about X?” Sometimes it’s enough to remember. Whatever you do remember, try to write it down (or type on a computer, that’s what I do) with as much detail as possible, even if you only remembered a fragment. As I said, it’s a matter of practice, with time you should start remembering more.
2- WILD can be a tricky technique and it can be hard to find the balance between too awake and too sleepy. 10-20 minutes means nothing, this varies a lot from person to person, between each WILD attempt, etc. If you are’nt relaxed enough and are anxious to WILD it will probably take longer (if you even get to SP ). I recommend you try another tech like MILD, or at least both at the same time.
Try to take it easy, don’t try to force yourself to LD or remember dreams, that won’t help, believe me. Let them come to you and try to have fun with the learning experience. Good luck!
I remembered a dream 1 page written long last night and i forgot to mention i tried wild for an hour but thanks
Best way how to remember dreams is:
- Use mantra that will wake you up while dreaming
- Set you alarm clock to time when you have REM
DJ will only help you remember them IRL, so if you wake up while you are not dreaming, then you will probably not remember dreams.