I’ve been improving my dream recall over the past week by thinking about and talking about my dreams during the day. This, on the most part, has worked, but my dreamrecall is still quite poor. I don’t want to use a dream diary. Has anybody tried a similair technique?
The most beneficial way is to get a dream diary, though it doesn’t seem your going to do that up til this point.
You might have to give it more time. Make sure you have the intention every night to remember your dreams. Verbally tell yourself.
Yah, fair point, more time might be needed.
If that fails i highly recommend a dream journal.
Is that sarcasm? or do you have different definitions for dream diary and dream journal?
If you don’t want to use a dream diary because the time you have to spend on it I think you could improve your dream recall just by writing something little from your dream in a dream diary. Just a sentence or a few words. That doesn’t take any time but i think it really helps. Then ofcourse you still think about the rest of the dream during the day (or atleast the morning).
I also did not want to spend the time writing in a diary in the morning. I lacked the willpower to get out of bed for about 10 minutes and describe what I remembered, plus, i’d have to take extra time to write neatly so I could read it when I was coherent.
My solution was to use a blog such as b2evolution as a dream journal. While I do have trouble remembering my dreams until I have time to login and update it, I believe it works quite well. I’m 100% positive that I would remember more dreams if I wrote them down exactly after I wake up, as I recall forgetting them, but this will have to do for the time being.
None the less,I highly recommend doing this and have noticed my terrible dream recall (I.E. remembering nothing) increase by at least a bit, as I can certainly remember a few dreams so far.
dreams.nilisco.com is what it looks like.
I could just go on as the others here: “write in your dream journal”…
Which probably is the best thing.
Other ways for me to remember my dreams is to find a calm place and relax as much as I can, then I try to remember my dreams. I have to remember a bit initially though, to get started…
My way to relax and isolate myself in such a manner is to take a bath. My thoughts will allmost always start spinning, and sometimes I remember several new dreams as i lie there. Sometimes I even rember dreams I’ve dreamt weeks and moths earlier. Works pretty great, but it’s of course pretty time-consuming, and my brother is probably starting to wonder why I take a bath every friggin’ day
As for talking about your dreams… I honestly don’t think this is a good idea. People usually find it insanely boring to have to listen to friends telling them about their dreams all the time
If you don’t hate writing: keep a DJ.
If you do hate writing: Take a bath, or find other ways to relax.