dream recall

Hello! Okay, here’s the thing. My dream recall used to be terrible…about a couple dreams per month. I made a dream diary about a week and a half ago, and it worked wonders for me! :smile: For that week, I remebered all of my dreams in [b]vivid detail. (They were ND though, not LD’s. )

Here’s the problem: My dream recall is terrible right now. For the past 3 days, I can barely remember anything in my dreams. All I can remember last night was that I was wearing a brown dress…

What might be the problem of the sudden…lack of recall? And have any of you had this problem before?

Some people have dry spells. Don’t worry about it, you’ll start remembering again. Just wait a few days.

Good luck! :cool:

Thanks for the advice, wolf.

Yeah - the dry spells happen even to the more seasoned of us!

Some of it maybe to do with your expecations… its great that you had a week and half of good dream recall, but don’t expect it all the time.

To help with DR, I set my alarm clock an hour earlier, so I can lie in bed very still and just drift around in my head. Als, try lying in different positions… that also helps with recalling your dreams.

Keep it up and good luck with having some LDs

Hi dreamer_chic! :smile:
This problem is very common. I suppose that every dreamer has experienced it at least once. As Wolf said, don’t worry and just wait a few days. :wink:

Haha, I too have created a Dream Journal and it has allowed me to remember my dreams again aswell. :content:

Thanks for the advice everyone! :smile: I’ll have to try the alarm clock thing- that would definately help!

Good news though, I actually remembered my dream from last night! (yay lol) I was at some hilbily wedding…with pink flowers, and I called my uncle for some reason. SO yeah, the ‘dry spell’ is probably going away.

I think that the reason that week I had great dreams was because of the journal. I made it myself, so it was really special to me. So the anticipation for dream recall was higher than normal for me… :wink: