Dream recall.

Hey,i was curious,since i cannot do this.
But can we start lucid dreaming even if we do not have a good dream recall?

I am a novice but yeah, i think you could.

You can, but what’s the point if you can’t remember it clearly?! :tongue:
Try writting a DJ, it will help you with your dream recall.
(but keep trying to LD! :content: )

Yeah , what she said. :cool_laugh:

Hear that?! WHAT I SAID!! :tongue:

Just kidding…
gives cookies to everyone to make up for her inexplicable behaviour :cookiemon:

lolz,ur a comic relief…

I believe WILD’s at napping in the afternoon are the easyiest because you go straight into the dream, have the dream and wake up, So it’s most recent.

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It’s a bit difficult to nap at school!!

falls asleep in biology class
looks at mad teacher which is ready to go POP
Research by sleeping I guess…

At school o.0 , I mean at weekends.

Im not good at taking naps, i wish i could get to sleep better.

LOL SD my name is Alex ( Alexander ) and im not good at naps either only bed time naps.

Acually watching movies sideway on my bed make me really sleepy, so i should do that tonight.

So is mine. :razz:

For napping, I’m not much of a napper my self, But I’m very close now, It has taken me around 15 attempts to get to the transition stage.

My name is Alexandra but every1 just calls me Alex!
:eek: So we have two Alexanderes and one Alexandra who can’t have a nap… Nice!!
gives cookies to all Alexanders and Alexandras

:eh: Wait… the only people that have posted in this topic are Alexanders and Alexandras!!
We should call it the Alex topic! :tongue:

My name aint Alex, its Xaivior, lol, jk, but i really do know someone with the name Xavior! THAT WOULD RULE TO HAVE THAT NAME! But my name really isnt Alex

What is it?! :tongue:

Tyler Pittman, or James Pittman, call me any of them. Acually in a few months goto Best Buy and look on the back of a CD called The Illiad (there is making his first album now) and you will see on Vocals and Guitar Kyle Pittman. He is my brother and he just got signed to a Major Record Label that has a deal with Best Buy and other places, the label is called World In Sound, lol, i didnt mean to go off topic or anything. Oh yes myspace.com/theilliad thats there myspace. I think the links right.

Anyway wish me good luck with Lucid Dreaming tonight

I wish I had a brother like that… :content:

Thanks puts the good luck in a bottle and sits in on the stand next to the bed lol, i really need good luck in order to do it, acually i remembered 4 dreams lastnight, i posted 3 becuase there was one dream i forgot, then i remembered sometime after that post! 4 DREAMS IS ALOT! Thats the most dreams i remembered from one night! I hope its 4 every night