I use to have great dream recall but when I stopped the excerise before going to bed I gradually started to lose my recall. Now I am back to remembering scences. Do you all still do the excerise before you go to bed even with great dream recall?
I do it all fully autoatically right now.I wake up and first thing on my mind is"what was the dream about?".Im happy for this habit,and i think most of frequent users of this forum has it same way.
apart that-keep on writing dreams and being focused-that might prevent eventuall dryspells you will be prolly going through.
good luck
Dream Recall is extremely important. Not only is it integral to Lucid Dreams, it’s very interesting for personal introspection. You can learn a lot about yourself by understanding your dreams and writing them down.
Make it something exciting and interesting to you, and the benefits to Lucid Dreaming will follow.
On a side note, a great (and interesting!) exercise is to go through all the specifics scenarios you can remember in your dream(s) when you wake up and find all the things that happened that are impossible. Find all the things that CAN NOT happen in real life and critically look at them and remind yourself that that is not possible and you must have been dreaming. Vow to remember the next time that that or, something similar happens, that you will realize it is impossible in RL and only possible in dreams.
That’s the BEST way, IMO, to do the MILD/DILD technique (Mnemonic Induced LD and Dream Induced LD). You gather up impossible situations and happenings from your dream journal enries, and categorize them. Then you just “remember to remember” to notice those signs (dreamsigns) before you fall asleep and while your dreaming as proof that you’re dreaming. Only note the things that would probably never happen in real life, because they are the signs that will most easily lead you to lucidity…
It should be noted that this technique can be quite sucessful even without using unrealistic events as signs. After a lot of practise, I was able to put the idea in my head to do a RC each time I was in my house.
After that, I found that each time I had a dream about being in my house (Which was a fairly frequent thing) I had the ability to become lucid.
My advice would be to find something which you commonly dream about, and try to train yourself to question reality each time you find yourself there, whether you are dreaming or not.
Good luck
I’ve done some little experiments myself regarding this very subject (as I’m sure a lot of us have ). I’ve found that when I go to sleep with dreams the last thing on my mind, then I usually tend to awaken with them the first thing on my mind.
To test this theory, I tried actually not thinking about dreams or LDing for a few nights before I went to sleep. Sure enough, by doing this I tended to be much more lax and inconsistent with my dream journal as well as with my overall dream recall in general. So as far as I’m concerned, yes the exercises are extremely important (in my case anyways) in the quest for lucidity. But as Pasquale says, some people can wake up and write pages about what they’ve dreamed throughout the night. I, however, am not so lucky and have to put forth a little more effort.
As far as which RCs have worked best for me, I’ve found the ‘How did I get here?’ method to be very reliable. I also try to stick with a set routine when it comes to RCs, mantras, etc., while I’m awake. In doing this my ‘routine’ has began to work its way into my dream world from my real world.
I didn’t want to start a new topic but I’ve just got a question about dream recall. After this night I could remember 8 dreams and I am wondering what is your record. Eight dreams is a lot for me but I quess some of you can remember much more.
I`ve never remembered more than 5
My record is about 6 or 7. The reason I’m not sure as I think two dreams were the same dream.
I’ve remembered 5 in one night. Two of those were pretty intense false awakenings.
4 but then again its hard to separate dreams and scenes
I have been trying to have a LD for a month now. I had one 10 days ago and nothing since than. After this LD I had few night after which I couldn’t remember almost anything. I don’t know what happened now but for last 3 days I have written 18 dreams in my diary but still no lucid one. I don’t now what I do wrong because I do a lot of RC.
I think my absolute record was something about 7 or 8 , in this night I awoke many times, and wrote down some words each time
My record is only 5. But, i have only been LDing and remembering dreams this year, so i guess that’s not too bad.
Atheist you and I seem to be in synchronicity on a few things. I also think that its helpful to find something that corresponds between waking and dreaming life… in your example, being in your house. Then you work it out so that you do a reality check everytime you do that thing while awake and chances are you will end up checking in your dreams as well.
Try… doing a reality check everytime you see a certain person you dream about frequently… or everytime you go through a door. Something that happens a lot not just in dreams but while awake. I think thats the best way to maximize RCs.
In my last post I’ve written that my record in remembering dreams was 8 after one night. Sorry but it was unintentional lie. I used to treat fragments of dreams as the separate dreams just because I didn’t remember the way in which they were connected. Now I am not sure any more what is a dream and what are just two pieces of the same dream.
I thought that it must be that way when after just first 4 hours of sleeping I could recall 8 “dreams”. It is impossible so even though I can’t find and logical connection between them I still think that it was just 3 or 4 dreams which I remembered in pieces. Anyway I’ve got a new record of 12 dream pieces - DP . It took my over 1000 words to write them down in my DJ and it would be much more if I write them in details. I started to appreciate my normal dreams and I don’t think of them just as a way to have lucid dreams any more.