It is said, that you need to remember your dreams to have lucid dreams - for 2 reasons:
If you don’t remember your dreams, you will not know if you have had a lucid dream
By remembering your dreams, you become familiar with the patterns and will be able to recognize your dreams while they are going on.
I tend to think dream recalling is not that important.
About the first argument: Lucid dreams are remembered MUCH MORE clearly than normal dreams.
About the second argument: I have had no real succes with dream signs - though I’m still able to lucid dream very often.
I don’t need to write diary (I have started doing it, though, just for fun).
My experience tells me, if I just remember some of my dreaming loosely upon awakening, that’s enough, maybe it’s not even needed.
What do you think about the Dream Recall vs. Lucid Dreaming?
I dont keep a dream diary either. I have great dream recall tho and can remember atleast 3-6 dreams a night. I think it does help if you recall dreams because it does help you to see how your dreams work, then you can recognize them better
Dream recall isnt to HAVE lds.Its to increase the chances.If youre the person with no problems remembering dreams then you lucky.But i bet youre in minority here.Most ppl will need dream diary to remember(at least on the beginning).
As you said it also helps finding dream signs.
Apart from that it serves lucid dreaming in wider perspective-it makes one to keep interested,motivated,thinking about dreams-all those very very helpfull if u base on MILD method to induce your lds.
Leaving your recall to a chance is letting your lds to happen by a chance-this way of thinking isnt best approach towards lds,at least if you`re not a natural.
But sure thing-its a bless if one can recall and have lds without all the fuss with diaries,rcs and such.I wish i was one,but on the other hand i just like keeping diary and have my head full of dream stuff:)
take care:)